Nagahama Neru [III]

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Being in the same group for over 3 years together, Neru and Hirate have always been close to each other. It is closer than fans can even imagine because they actually got together some time ago and is now living together. Hearing Neru announce her graduation made Hirate fear that Neru would leave her and break up with her. Neru tried her best to assure Hirate that she would not leave her and would always stay with her but that doesn't stop Hirate for fearing for the worse.

"You're back" Hirate said excitedly as she came out from the kitchen

"Yes i'm back, sorry for being so late today" Neru smiled and walk towards Hirate to give her a hug "What my babu making today?"

"I'm trying to make baked rice today! I don't know how it would turn out so i had instant ramen for back up" Hirate said and smile cheekily and ran back to the kitchen

Neru was really happy to see Hirate happy recently. After the announcement of her graduation, Hirate haven't been doing too well and have been depressed at the thought of Neru leaving but after the 3rd Anniversary Live that happened recently, Hirate seems to have got her light back.

"You need any help?" Neru said as she grab the apron that was lying on the side of the table and walk into the kitchen

"No wait, don't come in" Hirate tried to stop Neru but it was already too late as Neru have already entered the kitchen and scan the entire place

"What the hell happen here Yurina?" Neru said in horror as she saw the mess made by Hirate

"Making baked rice?" Hirate answered quietly

"More like making a mess you idiot" Neru scolded

Hirate knew Neru doesn't really like her place to be in a mess and would flare up when the other members come over and make a mess. Currently Hirate fear for her life as she didn't know what Neru would do to her for messing up the kitchen and is trying to extinguish the fire within Neru right now.

"Sorry sorry, i will clean it up immediately! Just wait for the food to be serve alright?" Hirate said as she tried to push Neru out of the kitchen but her hand was caught by Neru instead

"What happened to your hand?" Neru said worriedly as she examine Hirate's hand. There was a band aid across the center of her palm and it wasn't there the day before. The band aid was applied on very messily and it looks like it was done in a hurry and there is still blood stains around it.

"It's nothing" Hirate wave her hand and attempt to get away from Neru but just to face Neru's glare instead "I cut myself earlier when i tried to open the clam with my hand but i'm really fine"

Neru gave Hirate one last look before exiting the kitchen. Knowing she made Neru angry, she dejected clean up the kitchen alone and sigh for a few times. She was glad to see Neru being worried for her after finding out that she cut her hand but was disappointed at the response she gotten as well.

"Come out here Yurina" Neru voice suddenly sounded and Hirate stop whatever she is doing and obediently walk out of the kitchen to see Neru sitting at the counter with the first aid kit beside her

"Give me your hand" Neru said sternly after Hirate sat down beside her. After Hirate gave her hand to Neru, Neru immediately proceed to clean the wound and dress it more properly this time. She is actually worried about Hirate but choose not to show it to scare Hirate more as a punishment for making her kitchen a mess.

"Sorry Neru" Hirate said quietly as Neru was dressing her wound "I won't do it again, i swear" she continue but Neru continued to ignore her "I will try not to mess up your kitchen again, promised" Hirate tried again and finally caught a small smile from Neru.

"Eh? What's burning?" Neru asked as she took a sniff at that smell

"My rice!" Hirate shouted and immediately ran into the kitchen to save her poor rice

"Techi?" Neru called out after a few minutes but there was no response from Hirate

Hearing no response from the younger girl, she continued to walk to the kitchen to see Hirate taking out the trash

"So... wheres the rice?" Neru asked curiously

"ehh here... I guess my back up plan came in handy, let's have ramen tonight" Hirate said as she raise up the trash bag in her hand and laugh awkwardly

Neru looked at Hirate's behaviour and laugh at how cute she look right now.

"Go take out the trash, i'll cook" Neru said as she tie her hair into a messy bun

"It's okay, i'll cook!" Hirate insisted

"No it's fine, you injured you hand, i'll handle the dinner tonight" Neru said with a light smile

"Ahh okay..." Hirate said dejectedly and turn around. 

Seeing Hirate's dejected look, Neru immediately said again "How about we cook together?" 

"Okay! I'll be right back!" Hirate said cheerfully and rush out of the kitchen

Neru was glad to see the cheerful kid she know being happy like this. 

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