Special Chapter - ToshiNen

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Walking into the mansion elegantly, the maids greeted her and immediately took off her coat and take over her luggage. The lady is Kato Shiho, the daughter of one of the richest CEO in Japan.

"Where is papa?" Katoshi asked

"He is in the study room, young lady" the senior maid replied as she bowed

"How many times I told you to call me Toshi or Shiho, you are still calling me young lady" Katoshi scolded with a mischievous smile before walking off to the study room.

Entering the room, her father who was working very seriously looked up and smiled instantly at the return of his daughter. Katoshi grew up with her father since she was a baby as her mother died in an accident when she was only a year old. She has always been very close to her father and her father would always take time to spend with her no matter how busy he is.

"Why didn't you tell me that you would be back today? I could have fetched you" He asked

"Wanted to give you a surprise and I guess it went well" Katoshi smile cheekily

"How was America? I'm really proud of you" he praised with a proud smile

"It was great, I made many friends in school!" She replied

Something happened last week when she had a farewell party with her friends in America but she chose not to tell her father so that he won't be alarmed. 

im just gna make toshi a cheeky yet easy going person

maybe nene save her when she was out of japan


and meet back in japan

they got together

knowing each other background

toshi fought with her dad

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