Moriya Akane [III]

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"Oh my god! Help her!"

Screams and shouts were heard by the staff, the members and the audience in the venue. Hirate Yurina, the center of Keyakizaka46 just fell off the stage in midst of a performance causing the whole performance to stop as the staff and members gets Hirate backstage.

Everyone there was worried especially the members, the height of the stage was really high and falling from that height can cause serious injuries. A short announcement were made in the venue as the staff asked for forgiveness for the delay of the concert as the members were waiting outside the room that Hirate and the doctor that was on standby was in.

When the door finally open, the members flooded the doctor with questions causing the situation to be slightly chaotic. The captain and vice captain immediately sense the situation and tried to control them. 

"Is she okay doctor?" Sugai asked on behalf of them as they all stood there worriedly

"She seems to be okay but would be good to send her to the hospital for a more thorough check" The doctors replied

That was when their manager finally cut in

"I will arrange the vehicle to send her to the hospital in a bit" he said to the doctor and turned to face the members "I know you all are worried but the show must go on... go in and take a look at her, we will resume in 10 minutes" he said and walked away making necessary arrangement.

The members immediately got into the room and was faced by a smiling Hirate

"Hey" Hirate said and waved as she look at them

"Are you okay? Are you feeling any pain anywhere?" Moriya asked as she went over to check on Hirate for injuries

"Yes yes i am okay, sorry for being so careless... Are we going back up? I heard manager san said to resume in 10" Hirate asked as she tried to stand up but winced at the sudden movement

"You don't sound very 'okay' to me" Moriya said sarcastically as she glare at Hirate and push her back onto the bed "The performance resume in 10, for us not you" Moriya continued

"What why?! I'm fine!" Hirate exclaimed as she force herself up

"You are not going anywhere Hirate Yurina, manager san is preparing a car for you to the hospital so stay here" Moriya said to the younger girl as she forced her to sit back down onto the bed

"Keyakizaka46! Time to get back on stage!" The staff shouted from outside

"We will see you tonight okay?" Moriya said to Hirate as she pat her shoulder before running off with the other members

When they got back on stage, Sugai took the responsibility to apologize and explain the situation to the fans before the performance continue. During most of the performance, the center position was left empty as this situation was really unplanned but there was some slight changes the members agreed on before going up on stage.

The performances was going very well as the members took it on them that they will put all their energy into this performance for the fans as well as Hirate. It was finally near the ending of the concert and it was time for their final encore. 

"Miss me?" Hirate smirked as she step onto stage in midst of Sugai final speech for their last song

"EH?!" questioning tone was heard from her members as well as the fans that were watching

"Hello everyone! Sorry for making you guys worried about me" Hirate said as she move towards the center of the stage "I am fine, just slight bruise so don't worry too much about me" 

The members all look at her with a questioning look but decided not to ask on stage and continue with the last performance.

During the encore performance, the members all glance at Hirate once in a while to ensure she is okay. Although Hirate thought the members didn't notice, they all actually took notice that she frown once in a while in midst of the performance and could see she really injure herself but didn't want to let them be worried. 

Seeing how Hirate was forcing herself on stage even though she is injured made the members cry during the closing speech. After returning backstage, Moriya pulled Hirate aside and made her sit down on the chair nearest to them. 

"You are not okay" Moriya said as she stare straight into Hirate eyes

Hirate avoided Moriya's stare as she look down at her hands and kept quiet.

"Look at me Hirate Yurina" Moriya said as she softly lift Hirate face up to look at her "I'm not angry okay, i'm just worried... You don't have to be so afraid" Moriya said and sigh

It was at that time their manager walk in and made an announcement

"Hirate, you know you are going back to the hospital later right?" the manager ask Hirate who are seated at the corner of the room who nodded after he finish speaking

"I know you have questions so i am here to explain" he said as he saw all the questioning look the rest of the members thrown him "Hirate was suppose to stay in the hospital but she begged me to let her out before the encore so she could join you all on stage"

After hearing what their manager said, all of the head snap towards Hirate with concern and they were really touched at how much she is putting into the group.

"What is her actual condition?" Moriya took the initiative to ask

"She might have hurt her back and her left arm so the doctors need to have a detail check on her tonight" he look at his watch and continue "Hirate, it's time to go. Girls, the company book a restaurant for a celebratory dinner, the staff will bring you all there, i will join you all later"

Hirate stood up quietly and follow the manager out of the room.

"You shouldn't have told them this much" she said softly to her manager as they strolled to their van

"They will find out sooner or later, if i don't explain now, the one to explain would be you" he replied her

"Wait!" they heard someone called

"Nen?" Hirate questioned

"Can i follow her to the hospital?" Moriya asked the manager

"You don't have to-" Hirate tried to stop her but stop talking after the glare Moriya thrown her

"I guess so" the manager replied and continued walking leaving Moriya and Hirate to follow

"Don't question my actions so much, i just want to follow so that i can ensure this kid of mine don't go running all around the place with her injured body" Moriya said as she sense Hirate was looking at her making Hirate giggled a little.

Concern was overflowing from Moriya as she heard groan from Hirate during the car ride and after fussing over her, all Hirate replied was "I guess the painkillers wore off" before laughing making Moriya really annoyed at her.

After arriving at the hospital, the manager left them to Hirate's ward as he went off to settle the paper works.

"You will be fine here alone? You need me to come back tonight?" Moriya asked as she tuck Hirate into bed

"Yes yes, i am fine here alone. Don't come back tonight, go home and rest okay?" Hirate replied to her cheekily 

"I'm done. Moriya, can we go now?" their manager asked after he enter the room

"Yes, give me a moment" Moriya replied and turn towards Hirate "Call me if you need me okay? No matter what time it is, i will come. Take care of yourself, i will come back tomorrow" she said with a motherly tone to Hirate

"Yes mom" Hirate laughed and reply causing Moriya to hit her hand lightly before leaving the room.

The other members were really worried about Hirate but Moriya ensured them that Hirate is okay in the hospital after hearing all their concern. They know that Hirate will always be their baby otter regardless of how fierce she is on stage and during performances.

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