Suzumoto Miyu

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"Due to Hirate Yurina injury"
"The center of the 8th single will be changed to Suzumoto Miyu"
"As a result, the whole song have to be re recorded and the MV to be filmed again"

Everyone in the meeting room is shocked after hearing the news stated by their manager.

"Can't we just wait for Techi to recover?" Suzumoto asked the manager immediately after the he broke the news to them.

"It might take too long for her to recover"
"We are already behind schedule for the 8th release"
"We cannot wait any longer"

"Why can't we do it the same way as the 6th?"
"It was also release with Techi when she was having an injury"
"I can be the temporary center before she comes back if the management really wants me to do it" Miyu said in hope that the manager would take her suggestion

"She is already under target for being unprofessional during the 6th release"
"Her recent emotional state is not good as well"
"Any more criticism might make it worse"

"In that case don't you think changing the center now will make it worse as well?"
"Does she even know about this decision?"
"Isn't it rude to change the center when she is not around?" Miyu was pissed as she thought about how Techi would be feeling

"She know about it"
"She have already agreed"

Miyu was speechless. The atmosphere in the room was really tense that the other members can't help but stay silent during the whole exchange.

"No way..."
"I am not doing it if Techi is not in the line up!" She shouted in anger

Miyu stormed out of the room in anger, she knew that she needed an explanation from Techi as soon as possible.

"So sorry for her outburst earlier manager san"
"I will talk her out of it" Sugai immediately apologised to the manager after Miyu left.

"I understand"
"I'll let her calm down first" Said and left the room

Miyu headed to the hospital after storming out of the room. She knew where Techi is and she knew that she needed all the answers from her personally.

"Hirate Yurina" Miyu said sternly as she enter the room

"Mon chan why are you here?"
"Don't you have a meeting right now?" Techi confusedly ask

"Why are you giving up the center position?!" Miyu ignored Techi and shouted instead

"No wonder"
"It's time for others to shine as well right?" She paused and smile
"I can't be the center forever"
"Mon, i chose you to take over me"
"The management asked me for opinion and i gave them your name, i know i could trust you" Techi told Miyu with a smile

"You said to me that day that you love the song"
"You went through so much filming the MV even when you are injured"
"Are you giving up on all those that you put in?" Miyu doesn't understand why Techi is giving up so easily, she went through so much but to give up the center position now

"You know that i'm not returning anytime soon right?"
"I need time to recover"
"Shine bright for me will you?"

"We can wait"
"I believe all the members will be more than glad to wait"
"We will always wait for you" miyu said with determination

"The release was suppose to be this month"
"Due to my current state, i might not return for another few more months"
"I don't want to drag the group down with me" Techi said and sigh

"What are you talking about?"
"If we have to re record the song, refilm the MV and retake all the covers, it would take that long as well"
"Listen carefully now okay?"
"What i say now will be final"
"We will wait for you to come back else i'm not doing it as well"

"Miyu- "

"Not another word"
"I won't forgive you if you give up this easily"
"What i want from you now is to rest, focus on your treatment and get well as soon as possible"

"You sure?"
"You sure the other members will be alright with waiting?"

"You want to know?"
"I'll let you hear it yourself then"
"I know you all are outside, come in and tell this idiot what do you all think!"


The members all barge in with a smile on their face

"How did you know we are outside Mon?" Oda asked curiously.

"You smell bad" Miyu answered nonchalantly

"Hey i don't!"

"That's not the point now Oda"
"Now i need you all to tell her"
"Tell her guys, tell her all your decision"

"WE CAN WAIT FOR YOUR RETURN!" All of them shouted in sync

"Sorry but could you keep it down inside, it's a hospital" A nurse peeked in and said strictly.

"So sorry, we will be quiet" Techi immediately reply with a sorry smile.

After the nurse left she immediately glare at her members that were just showing a silly smile on their face.

"You all really want to wait for me?"

"Yes!" Oda shouted which she immediately got smack by Pon behind her

"Keep quiet" Pon scolded her
"And yes, we will wait"
"So you just need to recover and join us alright?"


"Promise us not to make this kind of decision without consulting us again you understand?" Miyu said sternly

"I promised i will recover as soon as possible so that we can promote the 8th"

"Don't worry about it"
"Make sure you are back to us at your 100% that's all that matters"

Techi kept to her promise to diligently went for her treatment and kept herself in good health. She also spoke to the management to postpone the release to February as she is confident that she will be ready to join them by then.

"Are you sure you are okay to join the practice?" Miyu asked worriedly as Techi was preparing to join the dance practice.

"Don't worry about me, i'm fine"
"Let me join for today, i promise i won't hurt myself any further"
"I need to be ready for the official release"

"Okay, you promised"
"Let's go"


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