Shida Manaka [II]

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“Pippi!” Hirate shouted the moment she entered the house as she look for Shida

“Why? What happen?” Shida asked as she came out of their shared room

“The letters came!” Hirate held them up in joy as she show them to Shida

“Letters? The letters from the university?!” Shida asked as she realise what Hirate was cheering

“Yes!” Hirate said as she passed the letter that was addressed to Shida to her “Let’s open them

“Sure! On the count of One! Two! Three!” Shida replied and both of them took out the letter the moment they heard three.

It was pin drop silence in the house as they were reading the letter and after a while, they began to look at each other and both broke into a grin on their face.

“I got in!” Shida exclaimed

“Me too!” Hirate replied

Hirate and Shida knew each other since they were young as neighbours and grew up playing together.

Shida father passed away when she was a baby so she only had her mother with her but her mother passed away due to a disease when she was just 10 years old and she was left alone to fend for herself.

Hirate family decided to take her in and adopt her as their own as they didn’t want Shida to stay in the orphanage.

Shida dreamt to be a doctor since she was young and that dream of hers became stronger when her mother passed away due to an illness.

She studied really hard as well so that she doesn’t disappoint Hirate’s family who took her in and gave her a home.

Hirate on the other hand isn’t a very hardworking student like Shida.

Instead, she likes to dance and dream to be a dancer instead. Hirate’s parents respected her decision and let Hirate do what she likes as long as she can graduate from school.

After graduating from high school, Shida applied for a prestigious medical university whereas Hirate applied for a arts university that specialise in dance.

They both got into the university they
want with no issues and both was glad that they made it in.

Years passed and both of them managed to graduate from their university.

Shida managed to get a job at one of the most famous hospital in Tokyo whereas Hirate got a job as a dance instructor at an entertainment company.

When she doesn’t have work on hand, Hirate alsoworks as a dancer and choreographer for idol groups, she also enters different kind of dance competition as it’s her dream to dance on the stage as a well known dancer.

“Pippi, are you coming back for dinner tonight?” Hirate asked over the phone on her way home

“I guess not, i have things to settle in the hospital tonight” Shida replied over the call

“Okay, find some time to come home. Papa and mama miss you”

“I will, tell them i miss them too” Shida said and hang up the call

Shida moved out from Hirate’s place a few months after she start working. She rented a small place near to her hospital so that it would be easier to travel and also, she didn’t want to depend on Hirate’s family for too long and they have been too good to her already by supporting her since her mother died.

On the way home, Hirate suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest and made her stop walking abruptly as she suddenly couldn’t breathe properly.

She held onto the wall for support as she stood on spot for a few minutes before she became better and got her breathing back to normal.

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