Kobayashi Yui [II]

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"Good morning class, today we have a new student joining us" The teacher said to the class and signal to the girl standing at the door to enter the room "Let us welcome Kobayashi Yui to our class" The teacher continued as Kobayashi Yui walk into the class

"Good morning, my name is Kobayashi Yui, please take care of me from now" Kobayashi said and bow to the class as the clap.

"Kobayashi san, you can take a sit beside Imaizumi san at the back. Imaizumi san please raise your hand" The teacher said and the girl sitting at the back of the class raise her hand and gave a smile to Kobayashi

After taking a sit, the girl began to introduce herself "Ohayo, Imaizumi Yui desu" Imaizumi introduced and smile. The two girls realize that they actually share the same name and laughed as well. 

Days past and the two seatmates actually clicked very well hence becoming very good friends in class, Imaizumi also introduced Kobayashi to her friend Oda Nana who taken interest in her since she first enter the class. 

"Hey zuumin, who's that?" Kobayashi ask as she pointed at the quiet kid sitting in the corner of the class dazing out in her own world again.

Kobayashi have actually taken notice of the student that sat in the corner of the class as she always slept during class but nobody actually bothers her nor talk to her. Being in the class for over a week, she have never seen anyone interact with her and she wonder why.

"That girl at the corner? That's Hirate Yurina but i would advice you to stay away from her" Zuumin replied and sat down beside her 

"Eh? but why?" Kobayashi asked back

"because -" the teacher entered the class and made zuumin stop whatever she wanted to say "We talk after class" zuumin the whispered to her before turning her attention back to the teacher.

Kobayashi actually noticed that the girl named Hirate Yurina have been bullied in school and taken slight interest in her as she actually transferred to the current school due to bullying in her previous school as well. Looking at how Hirate is getting bullied and having no one around her gave her a sense of familiarity and the urge to protect her unknowingly.

During break Oda and Zuumin explained the situation to Kobayashi who listened to them attentively.

"It's actually like this. Hirate Yurina background is a mystery to us as well. Since we first entered Keyaki High, she have always been quiet. Both of us actually tried to talk to her as we noticed that she was always alone but she indirectly rejected us by ignoring us so we gave up afterwards." Zuumin explained

"But why do you tell me to stay away from her?" Kobayashi questioned as she doesn't understand why Zuumin told her to stay away from Hirate even if she doesn't want to make friends.

"Last year there was a girl that managed to make friends with Hirate and kept her company everyday but because Hirate is the target for our school bullies, the girl that became friend with her got bullied as well." Oda said and zuumin continued "A week after the bully started, the girl suddenly disappeared, it was said that she couldn't stand all the bullying and transferred to another school. After that day, Hirate went back to her cold personality and stayed away from everyone, trying not to get anyone else involve in her business"

"But it's not her fault that the bullies bully people around her..." Kobayashi muttered as the other two continue eating

Instead of staying away from Hirate like what her friends advice her, she actually went to follow Hirate instead. She noticed that regardless how hot the weather could be, Hirate always wears either long sleeves or arm sleeves to school like she wants to hide some things on her body and when the bullies goes up to her to bully her, she never fights back. Although she felt guilty for not standing up for Hirate when she gets bullied, she doesn't dare to as she doesn't want her past of getting bullied to haunt her again. After days of 'spying', she notice that Hirate doesn't go home after school everyday but head to a cafe quite far away from school to work and she is able to see some smiles from the girl when she work.

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