Sugai Yuuka

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"Yuuka, are don't have any schedule tonight right?" Techi asked as they were packing up after a practice.

"Yep, i'm free today, why?" Yuuka replied as she turned to face Techi

"I'm going for dinner with Fuuchan and Neru tonight you want to join us?" Techi stated as Neru and Fuyuka walked over

"Yea let's go together Yuuka" Fuyuka said as Neru nodded

"Hmm sure" Yuuka smiled as she stood up

Upon reaching the restaurant Yuuka was shocked at how many people were in the queue

"That's a very long queue, i think we are going to wait for a very long time" Yuuka said pointing at the amount of people standing outside.

"Don't worry, Babu got it settled" Neru smiled as she pointed at Techi who pulled her cap down as she walk towards the entrance

"Hello, any reservation?" The staff asked

"Hai, under Hirate Yurina" Techi answered

"Okay- wait Hirate Yurina? The Hirate Yurina?" The staff eyes widen

"Ah yes i guess? So you able to find my name?" Techi said awkwardly as the staff was fangirling over her

"Ah yes, i'm so sorry. Table for 3 is it?" The staff enquired

"Sorry there was a slight change, is it possible to change to table for 4?" Techi asked as she realized she forgot to call and make a change to the reservation

"Ah yes, no issue. Please do proceed, someone will led you to your seat"

"Arigatou" Techi bowed as she walk in with the rest following her

"Techi made the reservation?" Yuuka asked

"Yea, she was the one that recommended this place and asked us for dinner" Saito said as Techi remain silent as she read the menu

"Wah, our baby have grown up eh?" Sugai said trying to trigger some kind of reaction from Techi but all Techi did was lowered her head and smile shyly

"Thats our Babu" Neru added on

After ordering they continued to chat with each other and waited for the food to be serve

"Wah, they looks good!" Neru exclaimed as they all look at the mouth watering food infront of them

"No wonder Babu have been asking us to join her for dinner, i was thinking why is she so enthusiastic about dinner to the extend that she made the reservation herself" Saito said and laughed

Techi didn't reply to any them but totally focused on the food. Seeing how cute Techi was just focusing on the food they giggled and proceeded to eat as well.

Throughout the meal, they were just chatting and laughing at each other. It feels like although they are together for almost everyday, there are never ending things for them to talk about to the extend that they forgot about the time.

"Hirate san?" All of them looked up and notice the staff from earlier was calling out to Techi

"Hai?" Techi asked as she look at her

"Sorry but we are closing soon"

"Ah yes, we will get going now" Techi replied and look at her members as they all nodded and beginning to stand up

"What about the bill?" Yuuka ask as she took out her wallet

"Hirate san had paid earlier" the staff said and Yuuka look back at Techi who just replied with a nod

"I was the one that asked all of you to join me for dinner, it's only right that i pay. Come on lets go" Techi said and walk out coolly

"Thank you and please come again!" The staff said as they walk out of the restaurant

"So are we going home now?" Saito asked

"Can we go somewhere else together?" Techi suddenly asked making the other 3 shocked at her request and look at her as they waited for Techi to explain

"I meant, i haven't got the time to spend time with all of you and... i want to talk more with Neru before she graduate" Techi said shyly

All of them understand Techi intention and nodded in agreement as they thought of where to go after this

"How about we go to the cafe near the station?" Saito suggested

"It's too late and too dangerous for Techi to stay out... how about... do you guys want to come to my place?" Sugai asked and the 3 of their eyes lighted up

"Yes!" They said happily.

Nobody have ever gone to Sugai house before and they were excited to be the first to explore her place where they always think is a mansion.

"We've reached, welcome to my home" Sugai smiled at them as she open the door for them to enter

"Oh my gosh, this place is so big!" Saito exclaim as she step into the place

"Theres a statue of a life size horse there!" Neru pointed and ran over to the statue

Techi as usual didn't say anything but went around the living room admiring everything while Sugai just watch them

"Yuuka you're home?" Someone called out and they immediately went quiet as a couple walked into the living room

"Hai Oka-sama, Otou-sama"

"She wasn't joking when she say she call them oka sama and otou sama" Saito whisper to Techi and Neru softly

"Eh you finally brought your members home?" Sugai's mum asked surprised.

"Konbanwa" Techi greeted, Neru and Fuyuka just followed

"Welcome welcome" Sugai's dad said

"We will be going to my room now" Sugai said and brought them to her room as they bowed to her parents

"Thats the first time i see you guys so tense" Sugai said amused after she closed the door.

"You seriously call them sama?" Saito ask again not believing it

"Yes really"Sugai said and laughed

"The bed is so good" Techi suddenly said and when they turn around they can see Techi is already making herself comfortable on Sugai's bed and Neru immediately took the chance to jump onto Techi hugging her

"Oof, that hurts" Techi said as the impact came but proceed to hug Neru tightly

"Now i'm beginning to suspect you wanting to talk more is a lie, you just want Neru around didn't you?" Sugai asked with brows raised


"Hey don't fall asleep on my bed! Where am i going to sleep later?!" Sugai said hearing no respond

"On the floor" Techi said with eyes closed and shrug her shoulders while Neru just giggle in the embrace

Fuyuka was just watching the 3 of them with a smile on her face and was quite amused at Techi reply to Sugai. Techi was just teasing Sugai and pretended to sleep but got up afterwards as they continued to talk through the night and had a sleepover at Sugai place that day.
Sorry if this chapter came out weird, i'm running out of ideas and i'm half asleep while typing. Please do let me know if there is any mistake! Also if you guys like, you can send me pairing or plots so i can have more idea into writing :)

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