Kobayashi Yui [IV]

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Running through the woods, Kobayashi hands and legs were all filled with scratches but she didn't stop running. She continues to sprint through the dark forest as she shouted for Hirate. 

"TECHI!" She shouted as her tears start to fall "YURINA! PLEASE JUST COME OUT AND LISTEN TO ME"

From afar, Kobayashi could hear a loud and distant scream coming from the girl she loved dearly and her heart began to beat faster as she ran towards where the scream came from. She ran as fast as she could to the source of the scream hoping to find Hirate there but instead was faced by the edge of the cliff and Hirate's bag was placed nicely on the edge of the cliff.

Kobayashi immediately fell onto her knees as she thought back to what she said to Hirate just 30 minutes ago.

Hirate had always struggled with depression as she loath her own existence but she managed to find someone that love her and that person was Kobayashi. She felt really lucky and happy because even when Kobayashi knew about her condition, she still chose to stay with her and treat her with care.

Of course things weren't that easy for them since Hirate would overthink on some occasion and start to doubt if Kobayashi did love her or is it just out of sympathy. When those time comes, Kobayashi would always try her very best to reassure Hirate that she really does love her and regain back the trust from Hirate.

Knowing the mental state of Hirate, Kobayashi have always been very careful with her words as well as she knew that even the least harmful word she says can deeply hurt Hirate and it have been on many occasion that she stop Hirate from taking her own life just because of a tiny reason.

She have been questioned many times, why does she still stay with Hirate? Her friends always tells her that being with Hirate have no future ahead and would drag her down but instead of listening to her friends, she would always tell her friends the amazing things about Hirate. To her, Hirate is her love at first sight and after knowing her, it makes her want to protect her more.

What happened 30 minutes ago was really unexpected as she was really caught off guard. It was just another day that she woke up next to Hirate and brush her hair lovingly before changing out and got ready for work. Everything was going great when she woke Hirate up for breakfast before leaving and Hirate was in a really good mood today.

"What time will you be home today?" Hirate asked as they were eating

"Pretty late today, I have a dinner meeting with my boss tonight. Have dinner without me alright?" Kobayashi replied

"Oh... Will be it okay if i ask Pippi out for dinner instead?" Hirate asked again

Pippi in her words was Shida Manaka, someone that have stayed with her long before she actually met Kobayashi and another someone that vowed to protect Hirate at all cost.

"Sure, that would be great actually... I feel more safe with her around you than you being alone" Kobayashi said honestly with a smile

After having their breakfast, Kobayashi left for work as Hirate stayed at home and waited for Shida to come. 

Kobayashi work in a law firm as a law clerk and have been the favourite employee by her boss, Oda Nana. Even after telling her boss that she is actually attached several times, Oda chose to stay close to her as she try to convince her to leave Hirate everytime. As much as Kobayashi wants to quit her job due to the constant harassment, she knew she can't as she needs the money to support both her and Hirate.

At 6pm, Oda went out of her office with her briefcase and walk to Kobayashi's table before leaning down and face her very closely "I'll fetch the car first, wait for me downstairs" she said before walking down to retrieve her vehicle. Nodding nervously, Kobayashi quickly pack her stuff and waited for Oda at the pick up point of the buliding.

Actually the whole dinner meeting was a lie just to make Kobayashi eat dinner with her but Kobayashi doesn't know about it and went along with it. Reaching the restaurant, Oda told Kobayashi to order first and wait for her business partner that doesn't even exist. It was until the food is served then Oda lied that the other party have something urgent hence he would not be joining them. Kobayashi wanted to leave immediately knowing that the dinner would be only her and Oda but Oda stopped her and convinced her to finish her meal first since it's already served. 

Kobayashi decided to listen to Oda as she settled down again and ate her food not knowing that Hirate and Shida was actually in the same restaurant as them. She quickly finish her food and excuse herself to the washroom to freshen herself up before taking her leave and it was at that moment, Hirate spotted her. Without letting Shida know, Hirate followed Kobayashi back to her seat quietly and was shocked at what happen next.

Oda lunge herself onto Kobayashi and kissed her but was pushed away immediately by Kobayashi.

"Techi, what's taking you so long?" Kobayashi heard a familiar name and voice from behind and was shock at the sight of Hirate and Shida standing at the corner looking at them.

Hirate turned and immediately dash out of the restaurant and at that point, Kobayashi knew that Hirate have seen what happened and have misunderstood the entire situation. She turned to Oda again to gave her one tight slap before chasing after Hirate with Shida.

Running out of the restaurant, she could see that Shida was catching up with Hirate as she embrace the crying girl into a tight hug and Kobayashi heart broke at the sight of her girl crying. Heading over to the two girls, Kobayashi immediately tries to explain

"Yurina, it's not what you think" She started

"You lied to me!" Hirate shouted

"I swear to god, she lunged herself at me, i couldn't push her away in time"

"You said it was a dinner meeting and i only see the two of you! Your love to me.... It was all a lie isn't it? It was all sympathy right?!" Hirate said as she cried harder

Getting frustrated over the situation and the lack of trust from Hirate, Kobayashi could feel her own temper rising as well.

"Hirate Yurina! It's not all about you! I have been trying to pleased you all the time and this is the amount of trust you gave to me? I have been trying to earn enough money to support you, to support us yet you are doubting my love to you?!" Kobayashi shouted and the next sentence that came out of her mouth shocked all three of them "Maybe they were right... You are just a burden to me"

Hearing what came out of Kobayashi's mouth, Hirate mind that was already in a mess went even more messy as she immediately sprint away from the two girls. Shida was shocked and immediately chase after her before saying to Kobayashi "If anything happens to her, I'll make you regret that you were even born". After Kobayashi snap out of it, she realised what she said and knew she made a really big mistake.

When she turn, the two girls were already out of sight and she knew it would be impossible to catch up with them anymore. Walking on the sidewalk worriedly, she receive a text message from Shida

"I need help, she ran into the forest behind your place and i can't find her"

After reading the message, she sped up and immediately head to the forest that Shida was saying. She ran into the forest ignoring the cuts and scratches she was getting from those bushes in the forest hoping to see Hirate in one piece but ...

Kobayashi lost Hirate and it was for real this time...

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