Special Chapter - Yuukanen

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"Yuuka, i'm back" Moriya said as she step into Sugai's office

"I told you to call me Madam when we are at work right?" Sugai responded not looking at Moriya but the file in front of her

"Sorry but we are alone now and i miss you" Moriya said and sat in front of her "here" she place a file on the table "the file for the operation yesterday, 5 suspect was caught red handed"

"Great job nen, i knew i could trust you in this" Sugai look up and smile "By the way, have you heard about the recent case of a serial killer? The one that killed 4 men in 2 days?" Sugai asked and that made Moriya froze for a split second before answering

"Yes, i heard of that case. The case belongs to Team A right?" Moriya asked

"Yes, it belongs to Team A but the head wants us to take over the case as we have pretty much cleared our cases and Team A are still handling quite a lot of case" Sugai said as she took out a file from her drawer and handed it over to Moriya

"They are just slow at cracking cases" Moriya said and laugh a little as she open up the file and read the content 

Moriya and Sugai got together 2 years back when Moriya joined her team in the police force. She first got to know Sugai when she was just a small cadet that just graduated from the police school and admired her for being one of the youngest team leader in the serious crime squad and took the initiative to speak to her as a newly graduated cadet. Fate brought them together as they met several times for a few cases and taken liking into each other. It was only when Moriya officially got transferred to Sugai's team that they finally confessed to each other.

Moriya is very quick witted, smart and good at analyzing, hence managed to break quite a few big cases after she joined the team within months and got promoted very quickly. Sugai was really proud of the growth of her own girlfriend but also told her that they should be professional at work. 2 years passed and now Moriya is the vice leader of the team and is in charge of operation where Sugai is more of a back scene planner for them.

2 weeks have past since they took over the case of the serial killer and there was no lead at all. Every time they managed to get an intel, they always get cut off the lead as tho the killer know every single move they had. 


"You are back" the man said as he turned to look at her "what is the current situation?"

"They are currently stuck with no lead at all after we cut off the previous one"

"Good!" the man thought for awhile "Help me lure them out" 

"What for boss?" 

"To give them a small present in return, don't disappoint me" the man smirked

"Yes boss" 

The man laughed after the other person left the room. 

"Well well well, time to get even Sugai. The last time you made me lose my son, this time i'll make you lose your girl" the man laughed louder after he finished what he said

It was finally an off day for both Moriya and Sugai, they decided to go out for a date. Walking around the shopping mall, Moriya suddenly stopped walking and asked"Yuuka... What will you do if you ever find out that i ever betrayed you?" 

"Betrayed me? In what?" Sugai asked back

"Anything, what would you do?" Moriya continued

"Honestly? I don't know... I never thought about it and i know you won't betray me" Sugai replied unsurely

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