Moriya Akane [VI]

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"Eh? Where is Yurina?" Moriya muttered to herself "Anyone saw Techi?" she asked 

"Rights, I saw her here just a while ago... Where did she go?" Sugai said as she stood up

"I saw her walk out of the room about 10 minutes ago... I think she went to the washroom, let's wait for another 10 minutes" Suzumoto commented and the rest nodded and resume their own duties.

Another 15 minutes passed yet there was no sign of Hirate returning. Moriya stood up worriedly and exited the room after saying that she would be looking for her. Running to the nearest washroom from their practice room, she became more worried when she found it empty. She took out her phone and tried to call Hirate but the younger wasn't picking up, one of the cleaners saw the distress looking Moriya and decided to approach her.

"Moriya san" She called for attention "What's the matter?"

"Hirate chan is missing" Moriya replied

"She is in the washroom downstairs, I saw her enter after I finish cleaning it earlier on. It have been over 30 minutes since then... She hasn't return?" She asked politely

"Thank you for the information, she hasn't return since earlier... I will get going now, thank you" Moriya bowed and ran down to the washroom that the cleaner mentioned and knock on the closed door gently

"Tecchan? You in there?" Moriya ask softly hoping to hear any reply from the younger girl

"..." No reply from inside but Moriya could hear soft sobs and sniffles from the other side of the door

"Tecchan? You okay?" Moriya asked again as she sticks her ear to the door to pick up any noise from inside.

"Nen..." Moriya was glad to hear something from the younger girl even if it was really soft.

"Yes, Nen is here... Let me in?" Moriya said assuringly

Moriya stood up straight after she heard the shuffle of footsteps heading to the door and the door clicks open in seconds as Hirate pull Moriya in before locking it back again. Hirate crashed onto Moriya as she clings on and cried on her shoulder.

Moriya doesn't know what happened and what caused the younger girl to be in such a bad mood but she knows the younger girl needs comfort right now. She held on to Hirate tightly as she caresses her back in comforting circles and whispers assuringly words into her ears.

Hearing the sobbing of the younger stop and the breathing becoming calmer, Moriya slowly detaches herself from the younger girl and held her firmly on the shoulder as she looks into her teary eyes worriedly.

"What happened?" She asked but the younger just shook her head

"You can tell me about it, you know that right?" She tried again and Hirate nodded a little but remain silent

"You really don't want to tell me anything?" Moriya asked one last time and the younger girl shook her head once more

Knowing Hirate for so long, she knows that if the younger girl doesn't want to talk about it, there is nothing she can do about it as the younger girl is that stubborn and nobody can ever talk her out when she makes up her mind. 

"Okay... but come to me when you need me okay? Even if you don't want to tell me what happens, you can always come to me. Nen is always here to cheer you up okay?" Moriya said to her with a motherly tone as she pats Hirate's head.

Hirate nodded and a small smile began to appear on her face as she hugs Moriya again. 

"Come on, wash your face and let's go back to the practice room. The rest must be getting worried" Moriya said as she brings Hirate to the basin to wash her face.

Returning to the room, the others attention immediately went to Hirate whose eyes and nose were still red but kept quiet when Moriya signalled them to not ask about it behind Hirate. They all know Hirate well enough and that is that if she is ready to open up, they don't have to ask about it.

You don't have to know the behind story to cheer someone up. If the other needs comfort and assurance, give it to them. Let them know that you are there and is ready to listen. Understanding is important.


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