Watanabe Risa

337 18 2

Days after the release of the 8th single [Kuroi Hitsuji], Shida made a surprise visit to the members during one of the live performance.

*Knock knock*

Their manager open the door slightly

"Who - "
"Eh? Manaka"

Techi who was sitting near the door overheard and stood up immediately 


That caused the other members to turn towards the door as Shida walked into the room.

"MANAKA!" Risa screamed and ran towards Shida crashing onto her with a hug

"Get off me Risa" Shida hug back and push Risa off straight away

"I miss you, how could you be so heartless" Risa complained

"I miss you too, i miss all of you" Shida said and smiled to everyone in the room.

Shida scan pass the whole room and notice her child.. or Akane child was standing beside her staring at her spacing out.

"Okay Techi, i know i am beautiful but stop admiring me" Shida joked causing the rest of the people to snort and Techi to finally return to her senses and hug Shida with a smile.

"You're here, i miss you"

"Yes i'm here, sorry i missed the dinner the other day, had something important to attend to"

"It's alright now that you are here"

*Knock knock*

"Keyakizaka up in 5!" They heard the person at the door shouted causing all of them to start running about getting everything ready.

"We'll talk later, go get ready" Shida push Techi slightly and made herself comfortable on the Sofa in the room.

She flash everyone a smile as all of them got out of the room to the main stage to perform, after the door closed, she move her focus to the small monitor at the side of the room showing all the live performance.

"Keyakizaka46's Kuroi Hitsuji, dozo!"

As she watches them perform she was in deep thoughts. Would it be different if she didn't graduate? Did she make a very irrational decision to graduate? 
After all, what's done is done, there's no way for her to turn back time now and regret her decision. Time passed quickly as they watches them perform and before she know it, the members are all back into the room. Once the door open, Techi unexpectedly crashed to her side and lean onto her.

"Your stamina gotten worse" She joked and poke Techi on the side causing Techi to glare at her as she laughed.
"You need Manaki to carry you around again?" Shida smirk and looked at her.

"No need Manaki! She got Risao now" Risa suddenly voice out causing the other members to look as well.

"What?!" Shida was shocked and immediately retorted
"Manaki have always been Techi's favourite! There's no way Techi would betray Manaki for Risao, even if she do she will always return to Manaki like the other time!"

Everyone in the room was watching including their manager as Techi was a little speechless at the current situation. The two of them are fighting over her right now and she found it pretty ridiculous. 

"Now that Manaki is not around, Risao is the one that carries her on stage!"
"Did you watch? I carried her! She got Risao now, Manaki can back off" Risa was clearly trying her best to win and in fact she actually miss the bickers with Shida hence having fun in midst of this.

"Oh come on, what was that?"
"You literally carried her and spun her for like one second but she jumped onto me and i walked to the center stage with her clinging onto me"
"What you did is nothing compared to mine" Shida said and smirk again

The other members was just sitting down and watching this comedy duo bicker in front of them and Naako was so near to getting some popcorn to continue.
Techi was just beside them watching them as she don't know what to say as well.

"Are you two... like... seriously fighting over me now?" Techi asked quietly

"YES!" The two turned and said pretty loudly before continuing to stare at each other.

Techi mentally face-palmed herself as she turn to the other members for help but they have no plans of helping as they were enjoying it too much at the moment. She knew she have to do something to stop them since they can just stare at each others for God knows how long.

"Pippi, Risa" Techi said to catch the attention of both of them causing them to turn to her

"I love both of you, both of you are my sisters and I love you both equally"

"You have to choose one" Shida insisted which made Risa nod

"okay okay, I love....."
"Nen the most" That made both Risa and Manama jaw dropped

"That's my child!" Akane said and stood up
"Let them fight more, let's go get something to drink" She continued as she link arms with Techi and lead her out of the room making the situation even more interesting for the other members.

Techi was glad Akane was there to save her as she know the fight of Risa and Manama would never end once they start but at the end of the day they will still be playing around as tho nothing have happen.

Actually Techi have to admit, for the 8th single she have gotten closer to Risa and more dependant on Risa since Shida is not around and she could feel what she felt with Shida when she was with Risa considering how similar they are. Techi knows she love all her members and that wouldn't change.

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