Nagahama Neru [II]

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"Nagahama Neru!"

Techi was fuming with anger as she stomp towards Neru. The members tried to stop her but she just ignored all of them and pushed her way through.

"You told me during Keyaki House that you are just considering, you won't leave so soon! Why did you announce graduation now?!"

Everyone could see Techi was desperate. Her close friends are all leaving one by one and Neru was the one that saved her. During the period of time where she felt the worst due to 3 of her closest members graduating, Neru was the one that pulled her out of her hole. Neru was the one that knocks on her apartment door with food in the morning to ensure that she is eating well, calling and talking to her at night to ensure that she is sleeping well.

"You said you would wait... you said you would at least tell me before you announce anything..."

Techi strong front have broken as her tears starts to fall. Neru didn't know how to reply as she felt really guilty about this. She told everyone except Techi... even the members that have already graduated, she told every single one of them personally before she annouce anything but she purposely left out Techi. She knew Techi would stop her, she knew that if Techi ask her to stay, she would definitely stay for her but now that the annoucement is made, there's no way back already.

Hearing no reply from the latter, Techi stepped back and ran. The members was about to chase after her but was stopped by Neru.

"No, don't go after her. Let her be alone for now, she needs to think. I will look for her tonight, don't worry, i will update you all about her later"

Neru smiled and walked out.

Neru annouced her graduation at night so that Techi wouldn't confront her immediately after her announcement and she would have time to prepare herself for it.

The members knew that Neru know Techi too well and what Neru said is right, Techi need to clear her mind before anyone can talk to her as now she isn't thinking straight anymore.


Neru called out as she open Techi's apartment door. After the period of time that the other members graduated, Neru managed to get Techi to give her a spare key so that she can go to her place anytime of the day and so that Neru wouldn't get too worried about her when she didn't open the door.


The whole apartment is dark and quiet, as though there is nobody in the place at all. That made Neru panic a little as she sped to Techi bedroom to check. As she was speed walking to her room she could hear the room door of Techi being locked and she was right, she couldn't open the door and she could hear sobs from Techi in the room.

"Techi..." Neru called out

"Go home" Techi replied softly

"I'm sorry..."

"Why didn't you let me go when i wanted to... why did you let me feel the pain of you leaving... why am i the last person to know?!" Techi was beyond frustrated, her words slowly became louder and louder into a scream.
"I even sent you a LINE yesterday about finally performing together... WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!"

"Let me in Techi... I know you need me right now" Neru was actually worried about how Techi is as she witness her when Zuumin Shida and Yone graduated.


Techi wants to see Neru but when she think back, Neru is the one that is leaving. She wants to hear Neru out but at the same time she is angry at her. It is just very complicated.

"Techi, please listen to me" Neru begged


Hearing that sound Neru immediately open the door and backhugged Techi who was walking away.

"Let go" Techi said coldly

"No, i finally caught you how could i let go" Neru said trying to make the atmosphere a little lighter

"Not funny, now let go" Techi said again without looking back and that made Neru let go slowly.

As Techi felt Neru hands slowly getting loose, she feel her heart break more. She start to tear up as the emptiness filled her once again and she can't help but start crying again. The moment Neru heard Techi's sobbing she resume to hug her again and she swore that this time she won't let go anymore. Techi just let Neru hug her as she know herself that she can't stop her anymore and now every single second she spend with her is limited.

Minutes turned to hours, Neru and Techi remained quiet and stayed on the bed as Techi is being hugged by Neru. This kind of comfort is very comfortable for both of them and they are not stranger to it. After Techi settled down, Neru decided to break the silence.

"Listen to me now okay? Don't speak, let me finish saying all of this before you start asking me any question"

Techi didn't reply but just nodded quietly.

"I wanted to graduated long ago you know? You all kept me going even though it was hard. When i didn't managed to get into my dream college, you guys are the one that cheered me up, but i've decided it's enough for me. I love Keyakizaka and i believe everyone knows that but i'm really tired. I'm glad Hinatazaka is now formed, and now that you are back, i feel like my mission is accomplished, i feel like i have already done what i need to do and it's time for me to move on. When Yone graduated for her studies, i was really envious. I didn't want to go on hiatus like Aoi as i don't know if i could come back, but you also knew i also want to further my studies, i feel like it's finally time for me to choose my next route. All the time I spent with Keyakizaka is precious to me and i am really grateful i got to know all of you. Techi, we can always meet like what the other members does right? Please..."

Neru finished her speech but there was no respond from Techi


"When i wanted to graduate last year... why did you stop me... if i don't come back you won't graduated right?" Techi asked as she turn to look at her.

"Techi... you still have a long way to go, you also know that they need you right? and be it you graduate or not, it's just a matter of time before i decide to graduate, it is just that my decision came earlier than expected this time" Neru is trying her best to explain to Techi and also to calm her down

"I am important? What about you? You are important to all of us too!" Techi just doesn't want to accept the fact that Neru is graduating, trying to find all the chance to stop Neru

"Ask yourself this Techi, after you return, you got more cheerful right? In fact, after you return, you actually find the joy back right?"


Techi couldn't reply, Neru was right, after returning she could feel that her feelings for the group gotten stronger and she also learnt to bond with the other members as well.

"When did you make this decision?"

Neru was glad Techi was alot calmer than before.

"When you decided to come back, i made the decision, i told the management that i would let you settle down before i make any announcement" Neru carefully said trying not to trigger Techi

"When did you tell the members?"

"After the 8th single, they understand straight away after i told them and they also told me they will take care of you after i leave" After saying that Neru looked for Techi reaction but she only nodded

"Thats why... no wonder all of them began to approach me after i came back... Thank you Neru, thank you for everything"

Hearing that from Techi, Neru know that Techi have accepted the fact and she have understand already.

"You're welcome Techi, Thank you too for everything"

The rest of the night went passed peacefully. Both of them was comfortable with each other presence and Techi have also promised Neru that she would stay cheerful and forget all the worries as much as she can and she can always look for Neru when she know that she needs someone.

As promised to Neru, Techi kept herself cheerful and happy and also got closer to the other members, she know now that she can seek comfort from everyone of them but Neru will always remain precious to her.

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