Sato Shiori, Harada Aoi

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Walking towards the back of the stage, Sato gently grabs onto the hand on Hirate who was walking ahead of her making Hirate turn her head towards her.


"You sure you are fine?" Sato questioned

"Yes, I am. You guys asked so many times already" Hirate said slightly annoyed

"You should know all of us are worried right? You can barely walk yesterday after the performance" Sato replied back sternly

"I know... I forced myself a little too far" Hirate said awkwardly

"A little? You sure it was just a little?"

"Alright... You win, a lot alright? But aren't we supposed to put in our all for performance?" Hirate fought back

"Not to the extent that you are collapsing" Sato sigh and said

The conversation stopped as the crew called for standby and the performance began. Having to be performing ballet with Sato is making Hirate feel nervous as she was afraid that she would end up dragging Sato down but Sato always assures her that she was already perfect.

Going backstage after the performance, the other members immediately praised them and commented that it was really beautiful for them to watch and it gave Hirate more assurance that she was doing fine.

Hirate was treated like a princess the entire day as the older girls run all around the place for her needs and making sure she was alright. They weren't surprised when they saw her condition just the day before as she was going very intense with just rehearsals and her body condition wasn't even in her best state but they still want to make sure that she is okay and won't collapse for today's performance.

Either on stage or off stage, the rest of them kept a close eye on Hirate to make sure she was fine. Each and every one of them showed her some sort of concern either on stage or off stage and Hirate was glad that they were there for her.

After the concert ended, Sato can be seen supporting Hirate backstage as the other girls start to rush around to get her water and painkillers.

"You said you were fine?" Sato asked with her brows raised

"I was!" Hirate replied immediately and lowered her head after she saw the glare from Sato "Maybe I pushed myself too hard today..."

"Again," Sato said "If it wasn't for Neru that held you firmly just now, you would have fallen and you know we don't want that to happen"

Seeing Neru rushing over with a cup of water and her painkillers in her hands made her feel slightly touched as she knows what Sato said is true.

Without much thoughts, she crashed onto Neru with a big hug as she whispered a soft "Thank you" to her. Neru was shocked at the sudden action as she tried to balance the cup of water in her hands so she doesn't spill it before handing it over to Sato who was smiling at them.

Neru already had a small idea why is Hirate thanking her and she just softly patted her on her back and said "You don't have to thank me, I want to thank you for holding up so well"

The door of their waiting room suddenly open and they were all glad to see Harada walk in

"That was intense!" Harada commented as she walks into the room

They all start to crowd around her as they ask her about her well being while Hirate just remains at her seat and smile at the sight. After answering the lots of questions from her members, she excused herself and walk towards Hirate.



They both said at the same time and smiled

"I missed you" Hirate started as Harada sat down beside her and gave her a small hug

"Me too, how are you holding up without me around" Harada replied

"I'm holding up well" Hirate assured

"Don't look like it, I saw you limping backstage with Shii-chan's help earlier on?" Harada said

"Maybe just a little discomfort but I'm really fine, I swear!" Hirate said

"That what you always say but still ends up collapsing in the end" Moriya who was walking past them mumbled

Hirate gave a look of disbelieve to Moriya as she nonchalantly walks away and Harada just laughs at what she just witness.

"I got to agree with Nen tho, you never change do you?" Harada asked "Since the last time till now, you always neglect your own health just for better performance and ends up collapsing in the end"

Hirate didn't know what to reply but just nodded a little

"By the way, Mona said she will be coming tomorrow..." Harada said

"Eh really? Pippi is coming?" Hirate asked excitedly

"Yea... I asked if she wants to come with me today but she said she won't be able to make it but is coming tomorrow" Harada explained

"I miss her so much... I miss all of you so so much" Hirate said suddenly

Harada could feel the sincereness in Hirate's words and grab her hand slightly as she looks gently straight at her eyes.

"I am always here, we are always here. I will always be just one phone call away and I believe it's the same with the rest. Don't push yourself too much and talk to us if you have any problems, we will always be there for you" Harada smiled after she said those words and proceed to give Hirate another hug.

All of them just wants to assure Hirate that she is not alone in this and that she can always seek comfort with any of them.

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