Kakizaki Memi

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Mini Live ended and Hirate who had no other schedule planned for the rest of the day decided to stay and hang around. As she was feeling really bored in the waiting room, she decided to roam around the standby area for the other members before their handshake event start. 

Walking around the big hall reminded her of the past handshakes event she had. It have been quite a while since she last had a handshake event and she can't describe if she is actually glad or not. She have always been glad to see her fans although she is an introvert herself but after the event when someone almost killed her during her own handshake got her shaken really badly.

Walking around mindlessly, she saw Sasaki Mirei waved at her from one of the waiting area. She smiled lightly and waved back while walking towards her. She have always taken a slight liking at Miipan for her personality. Like what Neru always say about her, she is really perfect be it her personality or anything she do. 

"Tecchan, what are you doing here? Come here, sit down" Mirei asked as she pat the chair beside her for Hirate to take a seat as well

"Ah just walking around, i was bored inside. All my members seems to be busy to entertain me" Hirate answered

"I guess all of them are still very occupied as their slot are all sold out, especially Neru chan..." Mirei said and whispered the last part carefully as she look at Hirate

"Yea, i heard from my manager regarding Neru's queue and he even showed me a picture, it was insanely long!" Hirate exclaimed 

Hirate seems to be taking the graduation news fine from what Mirei observed unlike what the younger girl in her own team thought.

"Say, have you spoke to Memi recently?" Mirei asked curiously

"I guess not, haven't really got a chance to see her. She did send me several text messages tho" Hirate answered back

"Today is our final handshake event together, are you going to talk to her?" Mirei asked 

"Oh yea... I almost forgot about that. Congratulation in debuting in Hinatazaka46! I am sure going to miss having you all around during events and concerts, help me take care of Memi, that girl's heart are too soft sometime that she get hurt so often" Hirate said as she look straight into Mirei's eyes

"Thank you, we will miss performing with Kanji san as well. My handshake is starting in a bit, i will have to go now" Mirei said as she slowly stood up 

"I shall continue my walk around here then, see you around Miipan" Hirate said as she stood up as well

"Hold on!"Mirei suddenly called her before Hirate walk away causing Hirate to turn back and look confusedly at her "Memi handshake is ending soon, she will be coming to this waiting area later, if you want to, you can wait for her here" Mirei smiled and walk away after she spoke.

Hirate stood there and pondered, it have been quite a while since she got a chance to talk to Memi due to all her schedule and her treatments. After standing there for a bit, she sat back at the spot she sat with Mirei and stayed there. 

"Yurina?!" Memi exclaimed softly as she enter the waiting area

She was shocked at the appearance of Hirate and really missed her as she wasn't able to see her for so long

"Memi" Hirate looked up and smile at Memi charmingly before standing up and open her arms wide for Memi to run into.

Memi ran towards Hirate at full speed and hugged her tightly causing Hirate to hug her back tightly as well.

"I miss you so much Yurina" Memi said as she buried her head into the crook of Hirate's neck

"I know i know, i miss you too" Hirate said softly as she caress the back of Memi's head

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