Kobayashi Yui

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Kobayashi Yui have never been good at expressing herself to the other members and Hirate Yurina is the same when it comes to this as well. That caused the two of them to not talk much when they first debuted.

There is always been small talks here and there when the whole group is together and small exchange during dance practice but unlike the other members that talk nonsense to each other and joke around, they have always been keeping to themselves most of the time.

It wasn't until Techi first ever injury that they actually had a one to one talk with each other.

"Hai, Arigatou"

Yui bowed and went out of the office. She just receive the news that Techi is going to be on hiatus due to her injury and Techi actually recommended her to take over the Center position this time round. She was confused, why of so many people, Techi chose her. There are people like Zuumin that sing better than her and Mon that dance better than her, why did Techi choose her?

Silently she walk back to the practice room knowing that members had already went back after practice hoping to clear her mind a little by practicing. Upon stepping into the room, she saw Techi sitting at the corner of the room spacing out.

"Techi?" She called out making Techi jump a little before smiling at her

"Yuipon, why are you here? Practice already ended right?" Techi stood up and walk over to her as she speak

"Uh, practice ended already. I was called to the office that's why i'm still here. What about you? Shouldn't you be at home resting?"

"I came back to settle some things, they called you to the office? Is it regarding the center position?"


"That's great, sorry for letting you guys do the work while i rest... i will be back soon don't worry. If you need any help just call me alright?"

"Don't say that, you shouldn't be sorry it's not your fault that you got injured. Actually Techi... can i ask you something?"


"Why me? I mean... why did you choose me?"

"Actually i don't know as well..."


"When the management asked for a recommendation your name came to me immediately... Actually i realized... We are really alike aren't we?"


"We both don't know how to express ourselves to others but at the same time we try to perfect ourselves for others. Do you realize that we never really talked to each other? Other than during practice? It is during practice that we forget everything and focus on practice hence we talk to each other and ask for help"

"But i don't think i am good enough yet..."

"I always think that i am not good enough... even till now, that's why i practice so hard. All the practice also make me realise something important. Nobody is perfect, it is okay to make mistakes but you just have to give it your all. I know you can do it Yuipon. Show what you got, enjoy the performance and make the other members proud."

At that moment Kobayashi was speechless. She almost forgot that Techi is younger than her but the words that came out was so mature. Those words that Techi said enlightened Yui, she understand where Techi is coming from hence she wants to make Techi proud as well.

"I understand, I will try my best!" Yui raise her fist with determination

"Give it your all" Techi raise her fist as well and smiled

"Are you going back now?"

"Yea, i am planning to"

"Lets go back together, I'll send you back" Yui said with enthusiasm.

"Oh... okay" Techi was stun actually at how enthusiastic Yui sounded.

Yui actually forgot about the fact that she wanted to practice but now she is determine to get closer to Techi more. From what Techi said she realised what she said was right, both of them are soft spoken and will only talk when other members talk to them. To the fact that what Techi said actually openly reveals her inner thoughts also means that their mindset is the same as well. Thats why she wants to get closer to Techi, she feel like Techi is her soulmate.

After a few weeks Techi had recover and was preparing for her first live for this song backstage with the other members. When she saw Yui standing at the corner of the room she naturally walk towards her and tap her.



During these few weeks, Yui and Techi had been very close to each other. When Techi sense that Yui might not take the stress from being the temporary center, she will always be there to guide her and give her some opinions from her own experience where Yui have been taking care of Techi knowing that she will have difficulty moving her arm during this period of time. The other Keyakizaka members were glad to see them get along as well as they could really see how Yui treat Techi like her younger sister and always helping her out and vice versa.

"You're back" Yui started.

"Yea..." Techi said while scratching her neck.

Actually Techi was feeling very awkward at that moment as she thought that her coming back is also taking away Yui center position.

"Sorry" Techi continued

"Eh? Why are you apologizing?" Yui was shocked

"I came back... I took your center position as well"

"Center belongs to you from the start Techi, you are the one that gave me the chance to stand at the center. This position is rightfully yours, i want to thank you instead" Yui smiled and held onto Techi hand while saying this.

"Thank you Yuipon" Techi was actually touched at what she heard.

The two of them have similar characteristic and both understand each other so well and now that both of them got closer, they know they will be staying by each other side from now.


"Yuipon! Why did you say my name!" Techi shouted after filming ended

"Hahaha, you were too quiet!" Yuipon laughed

"But how could you sabotage me like this!" Techi jokingly said back

"Anyway you also dragged Risa and Fuuchan along with you, it's fun right?" Yui continued

"Yea..." Techi know she lost as she really enjoyed the moment.

During Keyakake, when choosing members to try for the dodgeball challenge Yui immediately said out Techi causing all the other members to call out to Techi as well that's why Techi immediately complained to Yui after the filming.

Their relationship got better after this encounter and they are glad that they found someone that is similar to them in terms of personality and they can depend on each other as well.

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