Moriya Akane [V]

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Staring at the doctor in shock, Moriya left her mouth wide open as she couldn't believe what she just heard. 

"Sorry Moriya-san, it is confirmed that you have stage four brain cancer, there is nothing much we could do anymore"

How could things turn out this drastically wrong? All she felt was a splitting headache and the thought of getting it checked at the nearby hospital and this is the news she gets.

"I'm going to die? There is no cure anymore?" She asked in disbelieve

"I'm sorry but there is nothing we could do other than decreasing the amount of pain you will be feeling. The tumour was discovered way too late and I believe it was also because of your constant intake of painkiller as an athlete made the symptoms almost undetectable hence it was already too late when you came" 

Her mind went completely blank when she heard what the doctor had to say and lost the strengths in her body making her lean her body back at the chair speechlessly. 

Being an athlete, her body is prone to injuries hence the constant intake of painkillers but she would never expect that to be the one making her overlook those important symptoms that have been killing her alive.

Leaving the hospital after collecting her medicines, she walks aimlessly back to her dorm. She doesn't know how to break the news to her roommate who is as though her own sister that she only left a maximum of 6 months and that is if she is lucky to hold on that long.

Entering the shared dorm, she could hear the water running in the shower as her roommate sang passionately in the shower. She smiled at the voice coming out from the bathroom and walk back to their shared bedroom and laid down on the bed.

Walking into the room as she dries her hair with the towel, Hirate was shocked at her roommate laying on the bed and blushed slightly when she remembered how loud she was in the bathroom just minutes ago.

"Nen, you're back early today" Hirate asked and sat down on the chair in the corner of the room

"Ah... Yeah, the practice ended early today" Moriya replied as she avoided eye contact with the younger girl "I'll go take a shower first" she quickly added before grabbing her clothes and rush out of the room.

The two of them knew each other too well and Moriya knew that if Hirate were to question her, she won't be able to answer hence escaping the situation as soon as she could. Her actions actually made Hirate very suspicious and wondered what is wrong with the older girl. She glances over to Moriya's bed and saw a big envelope on the bed. 

Her curiosity grew bigger and she walks over and grabs the envelope before putting in much thoughts. She quickly opens up the envelope and steals glances at the door in any case that Moriya walks into her.

Her eyes scan through the paper very quickly and she grew more and more shock as her brain registered the words like "Hospital", "Result for Moriya Akane", "Stage Four" & "Brain Cancer". She dropped the paper onto the ground after she saw the last sentence on the paper as she couldn't believe what she just read.

Hirate froze at the same spot for a long time until Moriya finish bathing and walk into the room to witness a frozen Hirate in front of her bed and the test results from the hospital on the ground. She knew that she no longer have to break the news to her as she had already found out by herself.

"Tecchan?" Moriya called out carefully

"..." Hirate turned and face her without saying anything but instead with tears rolling down her eyes.

Moriya immediately rushes over and gave the younger girl a big tight hug as she tried to coo her down. 

"Hey stop crying, don't worry about me" Moriya cooed

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