Ishimori Nijika

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"Moshi moshi"

"Where the heck are you Hirate Yurina?!" Ishimori shouted over the phone

"Eh? I'm at home eating, why?" The girl named Hirate Yurina answered nonchantly as she ate her breakfast

"You are still eating?! School starts in 5 minutes! Get out of your house now!" Ishimori said annoyed at how relax Techi sounded

"I'm skipping today, don't wait for me" Techi sigh and said

"Again? Techi it's the 3rd time this week, you might not be able to catch up if you continue this way" Ishimori questioned with a disappointed voice but Techi just hanged up the phone

Ishimori Nijika and Hirate Yurina have been good friends since young and both of them were very good in their studies. Hirate have always been a very bright and cheerful girl that always gets rank 1st in school with her genius brain but everything changed after her parents died in a car accident 2 years ago. She seems to have given up in life after that incident and cut off all ties with everyone after that. Hirate was the only child and she was only a kid that just turned 15 years old during the accident. She was left all alone to fend for herself although her parents did leave behind some money for her to finish schooling. Ishimori was with her during the period of them that her parents past away, she was there to support her during the funeral and also to make sure that Hirate was eating and not torturing herself but 2 weeks after the funeral, Hirate begin to shut her out and push her away but Ishimori did not give up on Hirate. She went to knock on Hirate door everyday even if there was no reply, she brought her food and left it at her doorstep everyday to ensure Hirate is eating. She kept trying everyday till finally one day she went to her place as per usual but this time Hirate's house door was opened so she slowly push open the door and called out to Hirate.

"Techi?" Ishimori called out as she walk into the house and look at all the mess that Hirate made

She continue to call out Hirate as she walk towards her bedroom carefully not to step on the glass shards on the ground that came from the broken photo frame with Hirate family photo in them. There was no sign of Hirate in her bedroom and Ishimori grew even more worried as a scream came from the washroom causing Ishimori to run toward the washroom.

"TECHI NO!" Ishimori shouted and knock the knife out of Hirate's hand that almost took Hirate's life.

"WHY DO THEY HAVE TO LEAVE ME ALONE HERE? LET ME JOIN THEM, I CANT STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER!" Hirate screamed as Ishimori immediately embrace her.

Ishimori heart shattered from what Hirate said, she could hear how desperate she is and how broken she is. She talk to her softly while caressing her head hoping to came her down as much as she can.

After that day, Ishimori decided to move over to Hirate place to take care of her with permission from her parents. Ishimori is determined to pull Hirate out of her shell and make sure she doesnt do anything to harm herself anymore. If she wasnt there to stop her the other day, Hirate might have already left her. Ishimori have always treat Hirate as her own sister so it really hurt her alot to see Hirate behave this way. Days and weeks pass and Ishimori finally managed to gain back the trust of Hirate and able to talk to her as normal again but she knew she haven't fully brought back the Hirate from the past.

The current Hirate is cold and emotionless to everyone except for Ishimori and her parents. She is no longer the top student in school and the student that everyone admire as she begins to rebel instead. She is now known as one of the bad student in school that skips class and sleep eventhough she is in class. She always wanted to drop out from school but Ishimori didn't allow her to. When she skips, Ishimori will take the initiative to copy notes for her and study with her at home, Ishimori also ensured that she studies for test and turn up for school during exam. She knew deep inside that Hirate is still her very good child but sadness have clouded her mind, if she really turned bad, she wouldn't have studied at home and give up on school totally.

Back to the present

"Yurina!" Ishimori shouted as she storm into Hirate's house.

After staying at Hirate's house for that period of time, she got her own keys to the place as well.

"Uh?" Hirate answered as she laid on her bed and scroll through her phone.

"3rd time this week, how long are you going to keep this up?" Ishimori said as she sat on the bed

"I wanted to quit school but you didn't allow me to" Hirate said as she shrugged her shoulders and that made Ishimori really angry with what she said

"Hirate Yurina, look at me" Ishimori said sternly as she grab onto Hirate shoulders and made her sit up "Why are you doing this? You are suppose to have a bright future. Why are you giving up on yourself? Do you really think this is what your parents wanted?" she continued seriously after getting the attention of Hirate

Hirate begins to tear up when her parents was mention. She miss them alot, she knew what Ishimori is trying to tell her. She know that Ishimori is trying to knock some sense into her but she herself was too stubborn to listen. Without saying anything, Hirate just walk out of the room and that made Ishimori cry 'She really given up on herself?' Ishimori asked herself.

Days passed and Ishimori decide not to push her too far and just try to talk to her from time to time. She noticed that Hirate is beginning to change. She begin to attend her lesson and take them more seriously than the last time. She is no longer skipping or being late for class and also submitting her work before datelines. Day by day, Hirate result in school begins to get better and slowly got back to the top 10 in school. Although she is still not opening up to others, she is slowly turning back to the Hirate that Ishimori knew.

One day after school Hirate called out to Ishimori as they walk out of school.

"Nijika" Hirate called seriously causing Ishimori to look at her "Thank you" She continued as she grab onto Ishimori hands "Thank you for not giving up on me"

All Ishimori did was smile and pat her head slightly as she said "I will always be there for you, remember that" and link arms with Hirate as they walk home together.
Short update :)

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