Moriya Akane [II]

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"Tecchan, come here let's take a photo!" Moriya called for Hirate as she see her sitting at the corner staring into space

"Yada~" Hirate said as she shook her head

"Oh come on, it's our first performance for Kuroi Hitsuji, let the fans have a picture of yourself" Moriya said as she tried to persuade Hirate into taking photo with her

Moriya knew Hirate would eventually agree since it's not the first time she made Hirate take a photo with her. Hirate would always without fail reject the offer first but would agree after persuading her. However this time round Moriya decided to try something new, she is going to make Hirate do the sheep pose and that's the mission she set for herself today.

"..." Hirate thought for awhile before nodding which made Moriya hop over to Hirate excitedly.

"Great! Now smile and do this pose!" Moriya said as she show Hirate how to do the sheep pose.

"Ehhh? You said just a photo, you didn't say i need to do any pose!" Hirate said as she move away from Moriya slightly

"Our photos are always the same, let's have a little difference this time. We are performing Kuroi Hitsuji, it's right to make the sheep pose" Moriya said and smile hopefully to Hirate.

"... Yada" Hirate said softly

"Please? Tecchan for me?" Moriya tried again and this time she knew she won as Hirate just sigh afterwards.

"Just one, only for you this time" Hirate said and posed awkwardly with a straight face.

"Smile Techi, you got to smile like me" Moriya said as she face Hirate and smile while doing the pose which made Hirate follow what she does.

After the photo was taken Moriya was very satisfied and hug Hirate as she sat down beside Hirate as she viewed her photo.

After the photo was taken Moriya was very satisfied and hug Hirate as she sat down beside Hirate as she viewed her photo

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"Thank you Techi!" Moriya said in satisfaction before hoping away to get ready for the performance.

Hirate just smile lightly before resuming her activities before seeing Oda walk over to her.

"Techi" Oda smile evily as she stood beside Hirate and Hirate just confusedly look at her.

"Yeah?" Hirate asked

"You took a photo with Nen right?" Oda said and from that Hirate knew Oda have nothing good up her sleeve.

"...Yes..." She answered carefully

"Now take a photo with me!" Oda said as she immediately open her phone camera.

"Yada, don't want to" Hirate said immediately

"Come on, look at the camera, don't look at me" Oda said as Hirate just stare at her coldly from her back and Oda decided to just snap a photo of the scene.

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