Special Chapter - Hirate Yurina [III]

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"Miichan! We are going to the karaoke, you joining us today?" Koike heard her friends ask her over the phone.

"Sorry, I'm not available today," Koike replied apologetically

"Again? It's been a week since we last saw you... Are you avoiding us? What happened to you?" her friends ask disappointedly and hung up before Koike could reply to them.

They call them her friends but none of them knew what happen nor have anyone of them try to find out what happened that Koike is acting this way recently. She might seem like a social butterfly in school and now at work but nobody other than her own sisters know about her own internal struggles with depression.

Just barely a week ago, someone dearest to her left and she could no longer act like she is fine on the outside anymore hence rejecting any invitation to go out. She knew her sister is suffering from depression as well as both of them loathe their own existence but remain a support for each other so that they could get pass each day together.

They both promised each other they won't do it but Hirate broke the promise before she could. She felt like it was getting harder to get through each day without that line of support. Even though the rest of them are there to listen to her when she needs support, it's different without Hirate.

Hirate is the only person that could understand her fully emotionally as they share the same thought but even though Hirate is also suffering from depression, she would be the one to always cheer Koike up and tell her to look forward to tomorrow and that is also the reason why Koike is still alive.

After Hirate left, the will to die is even stronger for Koike as she felt that she lost her other half but she chose to hide it for now and wait for everyone to calm down so that she won't hurt them with a second blow.

Koike lingers and walk around Hirate's room as they all crowd in the room to pack her things and memories of Hirate began flashing back in her mind. There were times that Hirate stop Koike from doing anything stupid and likewise there were times that Koike stop Hirate from doing the exact same thing but the other girls didn't know about those episodes as both of them managed to find comfort in each other.

Walking around her room gave her all those memories when she tried to stop Hirate from killing herself in her room as they cried together all came back to her. From the side of her eye, she saw Sugai suddenly stood up swiftly and ordered the members to call for the others home. She walks closer and notices Sugai holding a letter and she already guessed that it was from Hirate.

She waited patiently with the rest for the others to return home and listen to what Sugai read out attentively. By just listening to the short letter, she could already feel the pain Hirate is feeling and her tears threaten to fall. Same as the others, Koike return to her room quietly and thought of where could Hirate put her letter at and after thinking for quite some time, she opens up the drawer where is put her antidepressant that she takes once in a while and there she sees the letter place nicely below the bottle.

Slowly removing the letter from the drawer, she could see a neatly written "To my partner in crime" and she laughed a little from how cheeky Hirate put it before she proceeds to open up the letter.

"To Miichan,

I know you are angry right now that I left first but you also know I'm on the verge of breaking as well. I didn't mean to broke the promise and I also remembered that I joked with you saying that if I were to ever do it I would ask you to do it together but then... I need you to stay with them longer.

It would be too much of an impact for them if we both were to be gone together and that doesn't mean I would allow you to take your own after some time. Stop acting like you are fine towards the others. Please let go of those friends that are with you only for benefits and only keep the true ones that you fully trust and let them give you a sense of comfort.

You always confide everything to me, why not give the others a chance to help? You know that I also want to stay with you and protect you forever but I can't escape my own demons... I'm sorry.

Please stop crying alone and stop harming yourself, everyone is there for you and everyone is there to help. Let them help you and don't follow me here, please. I've thrown away all those harmful things in your room if you haven't noticed, please be easy with your pills and take care of yourself.

If ever you feel desperate, please remember the times we spend together and my wish for you to spend with them on my behalf. Please remember that we are always there for you and you are not alone.

Forever and always with you, Techi"

"Why are you leaving this job to me...Idiot" Koike mumbled as she grasps onto the letter in her hands

Tears start to fall as Koike feel the sudden void left by Hirate and she knew she has to change for Hirate. With Hirate losing her fight with her own demon, Koike knew Hirate wants her to win her own fight and stay with the others for her, for all of them.

Bringing up her phone, she made an important decision to break away from her current friends as she starts to delete all her social media accounts. She is determined to spend more time with the others now that she still got the chance and fulfil the wish that Hirate has for her.

"I'm staying and not going to leave anytime soon idiot... Don't worry too much about me, I will win this fight for you, for myself as well" Koike said as she looks out the window into the dark sky.

Depression is not an easy topic to talk about but Koike knows she has to talk this out with the others. Although the rest is aware of her condition, nobody else other than Hirate knew how serious each of their conditions was except for them themselves and it would be important for her to let the others know how serious is it and what they could do to help.

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