Yonetani Nanami

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"Can i have all of your attention please?"
Every could clearly see Yone fidgeting at where she is standing and kept her head down not knowing how to break the news to everyone.
"I really love being in Keyakizaka46"
"I have decided -"
"Techi wait!" 

Hearing those words coming out from Yone mouth, Yurina already know what she wants to say and she doesn't want to hear it regardless on how she is going to announce it.


She ran out of the room. Hoping that by not hearing it, she can just treat it as a nightmare and it would not happen.

"I go get her, Yone you continue what you want to say" Sugai said and ran out of the room.

"I have decided to graduate"
"I'm sorry that i decided to leave"
"I want to continue with my studies"

All of the kept silent, none of them dare to say a word. Actually it's more of they don't know how to respond.

"When?" Fuyuka broke the silence with the question.

"By the end of the year"

"So soon?"

"I have decided long ago"
"The management already knew"
"I didn't know how to break it to you all"

Outside Sugai was roaming around looking for Hirate.

"Where can she be"

"Sugai san" A staff from backstage suddenly called out to her

"Are you looking for Hirate san?"
"I saw her ran into the toilet over at the front earlier"

"Thank you so much"

"No worries"

After hearing the news given she immediately ran over to the toilet instructed from the staff.

Upon entering the toilet she heard sobs coming from one of the cubicle, that made her heart broke. The last time she heard Yurina cry was long ago, and she could hear that she is really broken from the sound of her cries.


"Come out first"
"Listen to me and Yone first shall we?"

"You know it long ago right?"
"Why didn't you tell me"

"And let you fall into the state?"
"You know i couldn't do it"

"Then why tell me now?"
"Why not hide from me forever?"

"Techi, Yone is leaving by the end of the year"
"We have to announce it sooner or later"

"Why but why so soon" Techi cried out

Sugai knew Techi broke. There's almost no way to fix it now that Shida is not around as well. She need Akane, she know there is no way she can get Techi to calm down right now but the performance is going to start soon, she need to get her out.

"Everyone have their own road they want to take"
"You knew how much Yone love to study, she is just doing what she wants and what she love"
"Come on, i know you understand"
"Come out now, the performance is starting soon"
"I'll let you and Yone talk after the performance alright?"


As Techi walked out Sugai immediately hugged her after she saw her eyes, it shows how broken she is by hearing the news. The sadness in the wet and red eyes that is staring back at her made her heart broke even further. Without saying anything else, she grabbed onto Techi hand and proceed to walk back to the waiting room that everyone else is waiting.

"Techi!" Yone called out and walked towards her after seeing her.

Everyone was shocked when Techi just walk passed her without even looking at her emotionlessly and sat down at the corner of the room.
Sugai just shook her head at everyone and walked over to Yone.

"Give her time"
"Talk to her after the performance"
"I think she is trying to calm herself before the performance else she might lose control on stage"


During the performance Techi drain herself from showing any emotion. She know she cannot break during the performance. Halfway thru the performance, Yone found a chance to get close to Techi and she took the chance to whisper into Techi's ear.

"I'm sorry"
"I'll explain after the performance"
"Please smile, enjoy the last few performance with me please"

There is no reply from Techi but she heard it clearly. The last sentence from Yone made her tear drop. In her heart she knew what Yone said is true, it's just a matter of time before Yone graduate and she have to cherish every performance she have with her but today she just cannot force a smile out for Yone but instead she danced harder to the songs.

After the performance ended Techi immediately head backstage without looking at anyone and Yone ran after her.


That made Techi stop, she promised herself and Sugai that she would give Yone a chance to explain. Yone took the opportunity to pull Techi aside and looked at her. Yone saw how red her eyes were and knew the news really broke her inside.

"What happen to not leaving me behind?" Techi suddenly spoke.


"I don't want to hear sorry"
"I'm here to hear you explain"

"I love to study and you know it"
"I just want to do what i love"

"You don't like being in the group anymore?"

"No that's not what i mean"
"I love Keyakizaka46"
"I always do"
"But i can't do this forever"
"I want to focus on my studies"
"You also told me to follow my passion right?"

"...." there wasn't any reply from Techi but tears were falling.

She was crying because she know what Yone said was right, she told her to follow her passion before and she will fully support it but she didn't know that it would hurt her so much.
As her mind was filled with regrets, she felt a warm hug surrounding her. That made her release all the sadness she was having, she was crying out loud not caring about her surrounding anymore. The members at the side watching them was crying as well, having to see their center broke was not a common sight and hearing another member announce her graduation will also mean that they won't be whole anymore.

*Few months later*

"Techi over here!"

Techi walked into the restaurant and could see 2 person that she dearly missed waving excitedly at her.

"Zuumin! Yone!"
"Where's Mona?"

"She couldn't make it"
"How could you ask for her the moment you reach?"
"Don't you miss us as well?" Zuumin complained

"You know i miss all of you"
"I was just curious"

"Haha we were just joking"
"You just finished your treatment right?"
"I bet you are hungry, come on let's eat"

Without a doubt Techi was glad to see them again, regardless they have graduated or not, they are always a family to her.

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