Pre Apocalypse AU, Zion's Introduction

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(H/C -Hair color)
Y/N -Your Name)

You had just started at this new school. It wasn't the first time that you had been a new student, your mom liked to move around a lot after breaking up with her most recent loser of a boyfriend. She called it Spring cleaning, but spring seemed to come about three times a year for her.

Basically, you knew the drill. Walk in, get your schedule and move on. Dont get too close to people, because more likely than not it wasn't going to be your last school. Especially since Mom had just brought home Ed, or was it Ted? Whatever.

Your (h/c) shifted in the breeze as you tugged your books tighter too you. You never were too nervous to get started, but you did hate being gawked at as the new kid.

You walked in the school, unfamiliar faces turned towards you, their gazes washing over you like a cold stream. You lift your head up high walking passed straight to the office, you had mapped out the school before today just for this reason.

As you approach the office, the door opened up almost smacking you in the face.

You jump back just in time but end up tripping backwards with a squeal. Calloused hands reach out catching your arms before you can land flat on your butt, but still knocking the books out of your hands.

You mumble a thanks grumbling about the mess. A hand shoots out to move your hair out of your face making your eyes snap to the stranger.

Red fiery hair and golden eyes capture you, making your breath heave out of your lungs faster than if you were kicked in the stomach. The golden orbs burning with enough heat to burn cities to ashes. You gulp as the hand stills in your hair.

“Watch out kid! What are you doing just standing in the door's way”

The honey licked voice vibrates in your ears making your heart beat faster, but as the words finally catch up with your sluggish fog filled brain you realize you don't like his attitude.

You put a hand on your hips with your eyebrows furrowing, “Why don't you watch out KID! Who just swings a door open without any care who is behind it”

The red head's lips quirk in a smirk, “I just assume most people would realize a door could open at any minute”

“And I just assume that any idiot can look through a glass window to see someone approaching”

The red head chuckled then, his eyes somehow more burning than before and the hair on your arms rise in satisfaction at the sound of his laugh.

This was so not good, you we're supposed to not get attached, and you can't tell if you like your bodies reaction.

The staring match began, almost like a challenge to see which one of you would look away first.

A face entered their peripheral vision, “Uh… Zion? Why is your hand in this girl's hair?”

As if you both realize it at the same time Zion and your eyes snapped to his hands, both of you jumping away startled. Zions face heated up close to matching his hair.

“Well if you must know Eugene, I was just helping this fine young woman not fall on her ass and totally embarrass herself on her first day” Zion's cocky attitude made your roll your eyes.

Bending to pick up the remaining books you let your hair fall over your face to hide the blush creeping up after being called 'fine’

“Can't you let the poor girl off and not be a shitstick to everyone you meet?” The kid called Eugene remarked, both him and Zion watching me pick up the books like it was the best entertainment they had.

“You know I can't do that, if I did then what kind of man would I be? I have a reputation to uphold” Zion countered.

“Well if you two ladies are done ogling at me like fresh meat, can I please get into the office?”  You say done with their banter.

“Now you did it” Eugene said rolling his eyes and leaning on Zions shoulder.

“Ladies!?” Zion huffed sputtering

“Oh don't tell me that just the word questions your manhood? Must be a fragile thing if one word takes it away” you remark enjoying the hint of red creeping back on Zion's face.

Eugene barks out a laugh as a silver haired boy approaches with a book in his hand.

“Are you looking for this?” His voice pulls your attention, your eyes meeting kind ones, a warm smile on his face. You instantly feel like you are accepted.

“Thank you”

The silver man holds out a hand, “My names Harry. And it looks like you met these guys. Don't let them give you to much of a hard time”

You take his hand gently, the warmth radiating through your fingertips, it's as if he drips calm into you.  

“As if! She's giving our boy Zion a whipping” Eugene says shouldering the red head.

“Is not!” Zion remarks punching Eugene hard in the arm getting a loud ow in return.

“Do they always bicker like an old married couple?” You ask Harry as the two continue to smack each other.

Harry gives a silver laugh, “Unfortunately yes”

Harry and you turn to watch them before a bell is heard throughout the school.

“Looks like it's time for class, what was your name again?”

“Oh right! It's Y/N”

“Y/N. That's a beautiful name” Harry exclaims happily.

Caught off guard you turn to him, “it is? Uh.. well thanks” a blush forming as a compliment.


Harry and you turn to the yell.

“Zion you can't do it in front of her!” Eugene calls now whining.

“Nope sorry I called Dibs dude”


“You probably don't want to be late to class” Harry says shaking his head moving to open the door for you.
You stepped through the door with a thanks turning to see Zion staring after you. You smile slightly with a wave. As you turn you hear a scuffle as the door closes and a distant, “Lover boy leave her alone”

A hand grabs your elbow and turns you fast enough to make your hair fly across your face, golden eyes searching yours for something you weren't sure what.

Zion leans forward, his face coming inches from your own, a blush starting from your neck to your cheeks creeps over your face. His breath mingled with yours fluttering against your lips making them tingle. A soft touch of fingertips as he gently swipes your hair from your face, finger twirling around your h/c strands.

“Have a good first day”

Feeling bold, and not wanting him to know how much he affected you, you stood on your tippy toes kissing his cheek.

“Thanks! I will!

You turned so he couldn't see your fluster, but seeing his reddened face makes you giggle as you head to the registrar secretary to get your schedule.

Maybe getting attached could be fun.


Off to this start! Let me know what you think and if you would like anything specific!!

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