Triangles Part 2

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This is so short, I'm so sorry. I can't seem to get through this one. I know where I want to go but can't get there, but for now here is a short one.

ALSO I know a lot of you liked the NSFW Eugene, should I do one for all the people? I'm happy to if you guys like it!

I'll be back on schedule, at least one story a week. I think I will update every Sunday, but more if I can.

Thank you for your patience. I love you guys!


You were baffled by the school. It was a small 2 story building that was hidden away from the main street by a gate that was at least 6 feet tall. Although the windows were blown out, and building looking a little worse for wear, it was intact. Concrete and much more sturdy than the tents you had been living in. 

The set up they had inside was just as impressive, each survivor had their own classroom, a meeting spot, patrols and watches on the roof and halls. It was a fortress compared to how you had been living. 

The warmth of a hand pulls your forward, Eugene's smile full of amusement. 

"Come meet everyone." 

Walking into the classroom, several people came to meet you. Scarlett, Jay and yourself slinked back at so many faces.

Introductions were made, but your brain was in a whirlwind of emotion. There were just so many people you couldn't help contain your excitement! 

"So how can you help us?" 

The question came from their leader, his arms crossed and brows furrowed. He didn't seem like the individual to hold a grudge, but he obviously had reservations.

"I'm not sure actually…" you let trail off looking to Eugene for support.

He steps forward but the silver haired boy speaks up first, "She's a tracker! Obviously she can help find the way to the safe zone. Right Y/N?" 

He turns his piercing eyes towards you and you feel your insides turn to goo. How did this one group of survivors have the most attractive boys in the city?

"Uh …"

"She also has a near photographic memory!" Eugene rushes out in a Huff. 

The girl that introduced herself as Sue rolled her eyes comedically, "She is standing right there you know. She can speak for herself."

You hold back a snicker but stand from the desk you were leaning on, "They are both right. I'm okay at tracking game for food. That wouldn't really be helpful for finding the safe zone, but I can read maps well and DO have a pretty good memory. If you had even an area map I might be able to sort that out."

Lawernce nodded, his eyes shifting down to Sue. It seemed pretty clear they they both shared the power seat, and you weren't sure which you were more intimidated by. 

Sue nodded and rolled up a map, "Why don't we see your tracking skills. If they hold up, we will show you the maps."

"That hardly seems fair." Harry said, face filled with worry.

"When did we start doing trial runs?" Eugene asked crossing his arms.

"When you let in a stray that betrayed us." Lawernce said cooly, but his voice was ice. 

You swallow at the tension in the room.

"Happened one time." Eugene sighed mostly to himself.

"How will tracking down a goddamn animal make a difference compared to a map?" Scarlett huffed out, her leg tapping to the floor.

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