Lawrence's Murder Gaze

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"Who Hurt you? Prompt coming at ya! Hope you guys like it!


“Who hurt you?!”

The question bellowed out of him like an avalanche of emotion effectively stunning you to your core. You had never heard his normally kind voice take on such an animalistic tone before. Although you were hurt, you feared for the life of your own attacker.

You could feel the blood drain from your face and your heart rate spike at the yell.

Looking up from the floor of the stairs you see the shadow of his form, the rise and fall of his chest  noticeable, and you knew he was beyond pissed.

“Lawrence, it's okay!” You yell up at him as you move to sit up.

His steps down the cemented floors echo down the deserted halls and they almost sound like thunder in the sky from how fast he's running down.

He makes it to you, hands gentle compared to his voice as he inspects you. He gently moves your head back and forth checking for bleeding, lifts and flexes yours arms and legs and finally rolls your ankles.

You try, with everything in you, you try to keep from wincing. But the hiss of pain comes from your mouth faster than you can bit down on your lip.

Lawrence looks down at you, the shine from his glasses reflecting his own pain of knowing you were hurt.

“I'm okay.” You say it weakly now, because you know there is no other way to convince him. He had his evidence.

“Why are you trying to hide this from me?” He asks soft as a whisper.

But you dare not speak. He knows why, he's just baiting you. You would tell him if he wouldn't turn murderous the moment he found out what happened.

When the silence stretched he asks a different question, “How badly does it hurt?”

This you can answer.

“Not bad. I promise, I can probably walk in a minute.”

Lawrence nods his head, eyes still roaming your body for further injury. You watch him silently trying to not let the heat of his gaze affect your already stammering heart. He always had the ability to make you weak in the knees even when you weren't standing.

A second pair of footsteps comes shooting down the stairs and your arm reflexively grips Lawrence's arm in preparation.

Eugene stumbles down the steps out of breath, “Holy Shit Y/N are you okay? That was a nasty tumble!” Worry in his voice evident.

“How did you see it?” Lawrence was practically baring his teeth.

Eugene gives him a weird look as your nails dig into Lawrence's arm, “ He was ahead of me when it happened,” you say sterning but turn to Eugene with a softer tone, “ Yeah I'm alright, just need a minute,” you say it with a shaky laugh.

When Lawrence looks away you shake your head at Eugene hoping he understands not to continue his questioning.

Eugene looks puzzled but turns to Lawrence when he steps closer to him.

“Where is Jay?” Lawrence asks the question puffing out his chest.

You sigh knowing there was only so much you could do, Lawrence wasn't dumb. Obviously, if it wasn't Eugene who hurt you then it had to be Jay. There was only the four of you and the entire zombie population.

We all had been out patrolling. It happened so fast, but with Lawrence and Eugene in front of you, the hand on your hip pushing you down the stairs could only have been one person.

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