Shattered Hearts, Clear minds

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*slinks out of dark hole*

I'll just place this here.

*Slinks away again*


The sun glinted off the shine of his silky red hair. The softness of it's touch much like the kiss of wind between your fingertips. He smelled like pine, like forrest and vast mountains. He smelled like freedom.

The heat of the boy beneath you made the cool night feel like nothing more than a summer evening and nothing like the crisp Falll that it was. Leaves of all colors rustling against the soft breeze as they danced across the ground.

Zion hummed underneath you, his eyes half closed as your hands fell away from his strands of hair, sighing once you connected your fingertips again. He was breathing so slowly you could imagine he was asleep, if it weren't for the furrowed brow at the topic of conversation.

"Alright. Eugene,?"

You rolled your eyes heavily, "Seriously?"

Zion shrugged, "I'm running out of options here."

You bark out a laugh, "That was your first guess."

Zion sits up suddenly facing you, his body squeaking against the hood of the car you were sitting on, "Yeah but it was a good one! You both had a crush on each other in 7th grade!" 

"That was 7th grade!" You laugh out at him as Zion's face looks suspicious.

"Could happen again!" He says.

You laugh out right shaking your head at him as his eyes shifted towards the town beneath the cliff your car was parked on. The twinkling of the setting sun almost blindingly beautiful.

Zion was your best friend, at least since third grade. You had moved into town when your mom got a new job and were pretty, well, friendless. Your teacher had tasked Zion with giving you a tour of school and that was the end of that. Friendship.

You both took solace in the fact that you didn't really get along with most people. He, a popular rich kid with girls fawning over him, you an above average teen with little to no social skills, and yet? You both hated being in the spotlight. Hated fake people, and truthfully only really found home in each other. 

Every Friday you both found your way up to this viewpoint of town after school since the moment you both learned how to drive. At first, it was a place far enough away to feel like you got away, and then it became more of a home away from home.

At least at this point in time, a home away from home where Zion was conveniently trying to guess who your first kiss was. The conversation had struck when you asked if he had his yet, and his answer,
while extremely vague, was an extreme yes to having one. 

You weren't exactly surprised, but it didn't exactly stop the heartwrenching deep hole your stomach had fallen into.

Being in love with your best friend sucked.

"Okay! I got it this time! It's Ethan isn't it?"

"Ethan?! He's barely said 5 words to me since I moved here!" You blanched.

Zion wiggled his eyebrows, "Yeah but I bet he's freaky!" 

You playfully punch Zion's arm making him laugh, "Alright! It's got to be Lawrence."

"Ew, Why?"

"Because the boy has been obsessed with you since primary school."

Your eyes bulge, a smile creeping on your face, "Has not!"

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