Lawrence's Biology session or is it Chemistry? - Pre Apolcolyspe AU

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Your head hit the pages if your Biology textbook, the force of which makes you wince on impact. Your h/c hair spilled over the lament pages as your eyes crossed at the jumbled words.

Why did Biology have to be the one subject you couldn't understand? You could nail English, History and even Chemistry for crying out loud, but Biology?

Forget it.

A knock on the table made you lift your head, your notes stuck to your face even as you sit straight up. The paper obscuring your view of the person in front of you, but you can make out blue jeans and an orange jacket, obviously standing in front of your table wanting your attention.

“Yes?” You ask as politely as you can manage in your current mental state.

You hear a soft masculine chuckle as the smell of sweetened coffee wafts your way. Interested, you rip the paper off and look up to a tall boy, about your age staring down at you. His brown hair disheveled enough to make you think he styled it that way, round glasses that fit his face and still bundled from the cold outside holding two coffee cups.

Overall? Really cute. Like, damn.

Your cheeks heat slightly at the way you just acted in front of him, patting down your hair and fixing your papers in a straight line.

Flustered was a pretty decent description.

“Any particular reason you are headbutting that poor Biology textbook?” His voice was soft and warm and you instantly felt like you had been friends for years.

You rolled your eyes slamming the book shut, “Trust me, this book is not innocent in the least. We are mutually headbutting each other.”

The boy smiles, and part of you feels comforted, but another part makes you feel like he's chastising you. You lean forward in your seat starting to wonder why he was still standing in front of you in the first place.

The silence stretched longer than a normal pause but finally he speaks, “I noticed you were struggling so I bought you this coffee”, he lifts the coffee towards you and continues, “If you'd like I could tutor you, I'm a fairly decent Biology student. I'm also pretty good at vendetta's.”

You laugh half-heartedly trying to examine this guy's angle, “Have I seen you before? You seem familiar…?”

The boy's smile grows, “We go to the same school.”

You nod your head giving him a once over. You feel like you would have noticed his handsome face before, but it was a decent sized school. Plus who was going to turn down free caffeine?

You reach forward taking the drink with a 'thanks’ and take a sip with a sigh. It was your favorite drink, mocha macchiato. Red warning bells go off as to why he knows your favorite coffee until he sits in front of you.

“I just ordered what I typically get,” He shrugs nonchalantly, “I hope it's okay. If not, I can get you another one?”

You shake your paranoid thoughts away and give him a soft smile, “It's seriously perfect. Thank you so much! This is actually my favorite drink.”

The boy gives a knowing smile, “Isn't that a coincidence?”

You reach your hand forward, “I'm Y/N. Sorry I don't recognize you, but I'm not the best with faces. Or names for that matter,” you say jokingly earning yourself another chuckle from him.

“My name's Lawrence”, his hand finds yours for a firm shake, the warmth from the coffee seeping into your skin making your goosebumps rise.

Unnerved by your body's reaction you quickly remove your hand from his, but it does little to fade the raised hairs as he slides his seat over to sit right next to you.

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