Blanket Forts

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******WARNING: I did not change the rating because it doesn't go crazy, just kissing, but it is steamy! And there are kisses on the body, but nowhere inappropriate. Please make sure this is something you want to read before you do*******

You cuddled deeper into the blankets, the puffy white duvet letting you sink into the clouds of your dreams softer than a baby's breath on your face. You felt yourself get lower and lower. The peace you felt beyond that you could explain.

You feel a tingling on your head and it makes you jump awake. You're lying face down on Eugene's chest, body between his legs and fluffy blankets all around you. His signature hoodie wrapped around you keeping you toasty as he uses one of his fingers to twirl around a strand of your hair. Playing with it without thought as he scrolls through his phone, not looking up to see what he's doing.

You sigh happily laying back down. Paradise.

“Did I just wake you up?” Eugene whispers not taking his eyes from his phone.

“Hmmmf” you say rubbing your head into his chest feeling very much like a cat, “No. I don't know.”

Eugene chuckles softly to your response and pats your head affectionately. He looks up from his phone letting his hand caress your cheek, his thumb sweeping under your sleepy eyes. You look up to him, his smile feels like everything to you.

He chuckled again, “You're cute.”

“Don't get too romantic on me now, I won't know what to do with myself,” you mumble sleepily and it earns you another chuckle from him. Each laugh makes you bounce with him.

Eugene returns to his phone, one hand still twirling in your hair giving you chills and making you shiver against him.

You tried to let your mind rest again, but now you were awake. Like wide awake. Nap never to return.

You groan and stretch your arms up his chest, you feel his muscles flex underneath his thin shirt at your touch. You let your hands make it all the way up to his face feeling around as if you were trying to find your way. You feel him smile beneath you fingertips before you finally let your hands down back at his sides.

“Geney,” you whine resting your chin on his chest looking up at him with pouty eyes.

Now that you had moved your hair out of reach, both of his hands held his phone above his face, and effectively taking his attention away from you. Since he woke you up and you were awake, he had to be awake. Well, at least alert and not on his phone. Thems the rules.

“Gene,” you whine louder trying to get a reaction.

“Hmm?” He grunts in response.

“Pay attention.”

“You didn't pay attention to me for like the last hour,” he says.

You sigh, “But I was napping!”

He laughs again, “Just consider this my nap.”

You sigh again for what feels like the hundredth time, “But you woke me up, now it's your turn to pay attention to me.”

“Technically you said I didn't wake you up” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah, but I also said I don't know, so that's admissible evidence,” you say matching his joking snarky tone.

When he doesn't respond you pat his stomach, feeling his muscles tighten at the hit, “What are you even doing?”

“Playing a game.”

“And this game is more important than our relationship?!” You say dramatically knowing he would understand you were joking.

Eugene chuckles again, the smile dazzling you just like the first time you saw him. It would never get old, you could hear his melody of laugh for the rest of your life and it would still not be enough. You had found that if you got him to really laugh he had a dimple and you loved every day to see it.

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