Marry Christmas Ethan

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Guys, the ending on this sucks! But I fell behind this week, and I didn't want to go back on updating every Sunday!

I wanted to play with the zombie idea a bit more, and well.... Anyway if you like it I'll continue this story out a bit more, but don't mind me as I dust off the cobwebs of my writing a bit more.

I will be out of town from Tues-Fri but I should still be able to post on Sunday.

Love you all, thank you for supporting me. I am deeply appreciative of you!!


The colored lights twinkled in the misting of the rain. Cold droplets dripping, echoing off roof shingles to pavement. Darkness enveloped the streets, aside from the Santa's, snowmen and reindeer that some houses had on display. 

The world ended on Christmas.

On Christmas Eve the year before, lights strung up for decoration, inflatable characters and gingerbread littered people's lawns to be festive for the next days celebrations. 

But no one woke up.


At least, almost no one woke up the SAME.

It seized the country in a night, as if the shifting wind and transition to day was the difference of life itself. Shifting it 

Most people used to fear the dark-- the shadows, the cracks, the spaces that lie between the things that cannot be seen. These individuals walked about blind however, for the worst evil is that which walks among us all in the light. And at least if you can't see in the dark, neither could they.

You had heard them called different things in different regions. They all seemed to have a quality that was different based on the area that they resided. But here? Here you called them Sleepers. 

Sleepers were the things that even your worst nightmares were afraid of. People, dead the night before, brought back to life with the sole purpose of sinking their teeth into warm flesh. And as if that wasn't enough they were fast. Like. Really fast. Something about the chemical that was airborne from an explosion at a reactor plant. They stood dormant, still as the dead until they heard a noise, or saw movement, and that's when they took off ready to hunt their prey. It made them more deadly, more terrifying, their very own personal nightmare.

You had wished more than once that you weren't one of the immune. One of the few that breathed in the chemical and wasn't altered in any way. It was some form of mutation in the species. Scientists' excitement mounting to find that the human body had already anticipated an event of this magnitude. Well, they were until the tv stations stopped broadcasting.

You creept along a hedge of plants grown too far out and wild to be considered bushes anymore. The crunching, snapping of twigs making you cringe. You could smell the sap and pine of the trees around you, and the misted rain crisp and clear. It smelled like snow was on the horizon. 

You cursed the mist as you blinked against it, it obscuring your vision badly enough that you wiped your eyes every couple minutes. Couldn't afford to not have your vision around Sleepers. 

You crawled forward in the wet earth, not quite mud, not quite dirt, sinking down with each placement of your knees and hands. An inflated Santa shifted in the breeze, the light of which illuminated the back path into the house you were trying to break into. Houses had been your main source of resources since this whole thing had started. Not much in the way of groceries left, and most of the fresh produce rotted a long time ago.

Thankful that the electricity worked even after all this time without people, you shifted your weight against the rocks to slow the sound of your movement. Making sound in this new world was as deadly as that fateful night a year ago. Almost a year ago tonight if you had counted correctly. 

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