Knight in Silver Armor

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So everyone there is actually a part two to this that's NSFW- but I liked the short story so much, and I was already running behind in schedule. I will upload the second part by Wednesday! That's the plan!

ALSO everyone is aged up to 21 in this sorry!! ****

Let me know what you think! And thank you guys for everything!


How did you always end up in these situations?

The boom and blare of the music reverberated in your chest, as the glasses of the guy in front of you blinded you from the changing lights. Steam from the sweating dancing bodies rose from the floor, body odor and spilled alcohol wafting into your nose.

You crinkle it in disgust, your eyes surveying the room to find a way out of this conversation. You had decided to go out for a drink alone, and one thing led to another, in search of a free drink, now you were sitting listening to some guys idea of a good time.

The glare from his glasses flashes again and you sigh heavily under your breath turning back to the man, downing your drink. His shaggy brown hair, greasy from both dancing and probably just in general.

"And that's why I think we should all have shelters. Wouldn't that be great?" He yells over the music, and you want nothing more than to leave.

"Mhm yeah...whatever you say." You yell bringing your glass to your lips. Remembering your drink was already gone you scoff and wave to the bartender for another.

"Want to get out of here? You're obviously not interested in talking." There is an edge to his voice that you can hear over the dance floor that draws your eyes back to him.

"No thanks." Curt. To the point.

You can see his intake of breath, about to speak again in surprise or anger you're not sure, and you want that bartender to hurry up with that drink.

"Hey babe!" A deep voice yells behind you, over the music.

You turn, the lights sinking and blooming into a deep violet color as silver hair stands out like a beacon in the night. A tall, handsome looking man approaches, arm outstretched in greeting and a soft smile on his lips. 

You feel your jaw hang down and you do a quick shake your head to correct yourself. No way this attractive guy, especially this attractive, was coming over to you. And you're still staring at him as he slides up next to you, placing a gentle hand on your hip. Part of you knows that you shouldn't let this strange man just touch you, but you're too busy staring up at him to care.

His eyes practically sparkle under the lights, almost lavender in color. You're not sure if it's this dark club or his actual eye color, but you're hooked. They shine while looking at you, the softest amused smile across his face.

"I thought I'd never find you in this place!" The silver haired boy yells closer to you, but loud enough that the glasses man can hear him. 

You turn to correct the silver haired man, maybe he had too much to drink and confused you with his real girlfriend? But a wink in your direction makes you stutter out a very different answer.

"Uh- Y-yeah! I'm glad you did, it's pretty crowded…?" 

"You didn't tell me you were taken!?" The man with glasses yells. Anger on his voice clear even with the pounding music.

The sharpness of his tone makes you flash your eyes in his direction, his face contorted. You wouldn't have questioned it, but the silver haired man tightens his grip around you protectively and it sets your nerves on edge.

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