Don't mind the Blood

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**** WARNING: There is cursing, and is a bit more gore mentioned in this one!

Sorry it took so long, I got super inspired by this prompt. Thank you littlebitofnothing for the prompt!

Also so sorry it won't let me tag you, Wattpad keeps crashing on me so I will try again later!!

You lean against the dumpster, backpack at your feet as you all rest for food. You, Harry, Lawrence, Zion and Eugene had been on patrol for several hours now.  They had wanted to check out the houses that you had been staying in before meeting up with them, but it was proving to be a disappointment.

Not only were these neighborhoods far from the school, but they had been looted. Half of them already overturned, the other half too full of zombies to even dare venture inside. You all were tired, running out of water and daylight but none of you wanted to go back without finding something.

You hadn't been with the group for long, and you were trying to rack your brain for anything that might help your cause and prove you were worthy. So far all you had brought to the table were sweet buns and no one seemed impressed, especially Scarlett.

“Well this fucking blows.” Eugene sighed out tossing his trash to the floor.

“No worse than your mom,” Zion attempted half heartedly.

Eugene's head rolled over to face Zion with so much disdain you wanted to cringe, “God your jokes are as garbage as you are.”

Zion smiles wickedly, “But am I high class garbage?” Zion bat his eyes at Eugene making the smaller boy smile.

“Yeah sure. You are a golden trash can that only high end celebrities use.”

The others chuckle but you just can't find it in you. You're starting to feel like a burden, and the last thing you wanted was to be thrown back out into the world alone. You knew that technically you weren't on your own for long, but having to digest the end of the world in an empty house was enough to make someone crazy.

“Man, I'm still hungry.” Eugene whined laying back on his backpack.

Lawrence was looking over a map using a red marker to find our way back to the school. You admired his focus in the midst of overturned streets, danger and who knew what else.

“Suck it up Eugene, you'll live,” Lawrence said without looking up from the map.

You pulled your backpack closer fishing through until you found your granola bar from breakfast and lunch tossing them over to Eugene. They hit him in the stomach and he grunts looking down suspicious.

“I'm not that hungry,” you say as convincing as possible trying to cover your rumbling stomach with your hand.

Eugene obviously believed you because he tears open one granola bar as Zion take the other half earning a whine from Eugene.

“What do you say?” Lawrence says in such a dad tone you want to laugh.

“Fhank oouu.” Eugene mumbles out between his stuffed mouth.

“Yeah thanks kid,” Zion says rubbing the top of your head affectionately.

You smile in response playing with your shoe laces. This was the exact reason you had saved the bars. You wanted to be prepared if we all couldn't find any food. You were not above bribing your way into the group. If only Scarlett could be persuaded.

A throat clears above you and you look up. Squinting against the sun you see Harry with furrowed brows. His silver hair like a beacon against the sun's rays, the wind softly tousling it around, and somehow making him more attractive, if that were even possible.

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