Eugene's Videos pt 2

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The next morning he comes to find you, curled in the corner of the room, his jacket pulled tightly around you. As much as you wanted to no disturb his things, it had chilled considerably the night before.

He looks at you with a bit of frustration, or worry you can't tell but he leads you from the room without a word.

Back in the main meeting to you take your seat automatically. Ethan stares out the window with his bat, and you wonder if he ever relaxes. Eugene take a place next to Zion on the desks, feet swinging together as they fist bump in greeting. Zion says something to Eugene that makes him laugh darkly but yours unsure of what it could be.

Sue is pouring over a map, marking lines that all connect to a circle, and you're sure it's the school with routes around it. You look back again only to find Haley standing in the back close to Ethan. You're not sure how you missed her but worry lines etch her face and you're not sure why.

As if the thought moves events into action Lawrence round stue corner, a frown on his face with Scarlett hot on his heels. You're not sure how you hadn't heard it before, but she's yelling, practically shrieking at him.

“You cannot allow this Lawrence!”

Lawrence moves to stand in front of the room, Scarlett just below him placing hands in her hips. Jay and Harry follow close behind, from expressions on their face as if they have been doing this for a while now.

You gulp in anticipation.

“You're really going to do this!?”

“Shut up!” Zion bellows.

Her blonde head whips to him so fast you're not sure how it doesn't fall off.

“We have been listening to you for hours, let Lawrence ask his questions and then we can vote from there!” Zion finishes.

Lawrence gives him a grateful look before turning a soft smile to you, “ Good morning. How did you sleep?”

Scarlett lets out a yell stamping her foot and moving to sit by the door. Her arms and legs cross and feet bouncing quickly. She obviously not happy.

“I'm sorry for the trouble.” You say.

Another scoff is heard but this time it's from Eugene. You shrink lower in your chair noticing Scarlett's delight with Eugene on her side.

“It's not all you, trust me!” Harry says kindly before walking passed you with a pat on your shoulder.

Feeling slightly relieved you look back up to Lawrence waiting for him to continue. When he doesn't you remember he asked you a question.

“Oh ...uh fine. Thank you.”

He smiles again before clapping his hands, “ Alright! Everyone we know the drill. We will ask her questions, and only the questions we decided on,” he says giving Scarlett a pointed look before continuing, “and then take a vote from there.”

No one objects so he stands back as sue steps forward. Her calm demeanor helps you relax, but her stoic features do little to comfort you. She pulls out a piece of paper with the list of questions.

“ Where have you been?”

Easy enough questions, but you can't help but feel like it's a test.

“Like in general or…?”

Zion laughs at my answer murmuring the word first to Eugene again who continues to look grim.

Panic shoots through you, what if you were already on a bad foot!

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