Zion's Interruption

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You walked into school feeling like you could run the place on the energy you had alone. You had put on your favorite jeans, favorite baggy sweater and even went to great lengths to tame your hair in your favorite style. You felt like a million bucks.

Truthfully you hadn't felt this good in a long time, and you had for a couple months now, all thanks to him. He made you feel wanted, needed and adored. He always seemed to go out of his way for you, and it helped that all of you had been friends since you were kids, it was like things just clicked into place. The only problem?

No one knew you were dating.

You walked to your locker, stopping only to grab a book out, laughing with a couple of your classmates about a show that was on last night when you saw the flash of your new favorite color red. Peaking to your left you see Zion leaning against the doorframe of a classroom, his golden eyes drinking you in with a smirk on his face.

You quickly work to hide your smile and approaching blush and excuse yourself from your friends to walk over to the now empty door frame and make your way into the deserted science classroom. Eyes needing a minute to adjust to the sudden darkness, you blink a couple times until hands cover your eyelids gently barely brushing your eyelashes.

"Guess who?" the deep honey silk voice said, your arms erupting in goosebumps.

"Hmm let me think" you let your voice drag out in thought backing up into his hard chest to feel his warmth.

You let your voice take on an dreamy tone, "Oh Brad is that you?"

You suddenly are turned around, the spin so fast your bag falls down your shoulder and you almost lose your books.

"Who the hell is Brad!?" Zion's face contorted in confusion.

You try to cover your mouth to muffle the laugh that comes, "He's obviously my secret boyfriend"

Zion realizing you were kidding scoffs at you letting out a small chuckle and crossing his arms, "Oh Ha-Ha" he leans against one of the desks and pouts.

"Aww baby, I was just kidding, you know the only secret I have from you is that your pouty face is my favorite" you set your bag down leaning against him and letting your chin rest on his crossed arms.

He looks down at you, his eyes filled with adoration as he slowly smiles and wraps his arms around your waist, "You know you're cute" the tips of his ears turning red to match his hair.

You reach up on your tippy toes to peck his lips, "That's what you tell me"

Zion rolls his eyes and bends to pick you up in a spin making you squeal in laughter and sets you on the counter so that you're both at the same height. You rest your forehead on his, not able to keep the smile off your face, and you know he is feeling very much the same.

Zion grabs both your hands placing a kiss on each knuckle, and somehow the gesture makes you putty in his hands. You never understood where this soft side of him came from, and you loved that you got to see it.

"Are we still meeting after school to study?"

"You betcha! It's a date" you say throwing him a couple finger guns.

He smiles at you and leans in for a kiss, slow always searching in your eyes for confirmation. You meet him halfway, his lips like warm sand on your feet, or rays of sunshine after a cloudy day. You lazily wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to be in this embrace forever.

It's only when the kiss starts to shift from soft and innocent to intriguing when the bell rings startling you both apart. With a laugh he helps you off the counter sneaking two more pecks on your lips and forehead before grabbing your book bag for you from the floor.

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