⚠️NSFW Ending to Knights in Silver Armor⚠️

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You guys remember when I was busting one of these stories out a day? LOL those were the good days!

I wanted to thank you guys deeply for your patience with me, your kind words and your encouragement. You all have made this such a fun experience, and I'm excited to do more, no matter what life throws at me.

Please know I am forever grateful to you all 💜

Now for the story!

Besides the very VERY NSFW there is also a brief mention of abuse. Please make sure it's something you are comfortable reading beside hand.

Also...this goes all the way.... Well, I hope you like it!


His place was not at all like you had imagined it. It was quaint, with exposed brick at the corners, large windows, grey walls and art displayed. Plants decorated one wall on shelves, a huge black couch and an even larger TV screen. Dark wood coffee and kitchen tables sat in nicely, and everything was neat. Cleaner than you had ever seen a place. 

First walking in there was the kitchen on your right, living room straight ahead and queen bed tucked into the corner with made silky grey sheets that matched the apartment.

"Holy studio. This is amazing!" You run in and take it all in, feeling very much like you had been dropped into Pinterest.

Harry closes the door behind you, pizzas in one hand and snacks in another, "Yeah I guess, kinda lonely though."

You run over to help him place the food down without dropping it, placing the wine bottles you had in your hand on the counter you rub his arm affectionately.

Harry looks over to you with a smile, "But not right now." 

You beam your best smile back at him, turning to get the wine glasses, after he pointed to where, to pour the wine as he dished out pizza. You both take your spots on the couch, eating, drinking and laughing. Always laughing. 

Finally when you both finish, you throw your napkin on your plate and turn to him suddenly, "Let's play a game!"

"A game?" He chuckles out, turning to face you, his hand falling to your knee comfortably. Your stomach flips at the contact.

"Yep! Two truths and a lie...or the strip version anyway!" You secretly hope your voice doesn't show how excited and nervous you were.

Harry swallows heavily again, "Strip questions?"

You rub your hands together playfully and let the mischievous look in your eye wash over him, "Yes! It's like strip poker, but I don't know how to play poker...so we are going to do this instead." He laughs but looks back at you earnestly.

"We each will give two truths and a lie, and the other will guess which one is the lie. If we get it wrong we strip off a piece of clothing. If we get it right the other person strips."

"You really want to get me naked don't you?" Harry says jokingly.

You laugh outright, "Well, obviously." Not even bothering to hide it. 

Harry laughs another melody of a laugh that again dances in your head as he nods, "Okay, you start."

You tap your finger to your chin thinking, "Okay. I have a sister named Judy. The color black is one of my favorites. And I often think of what I'd do during the zombie apocalypse."

Harry snorts out a laugh and you join in, "You what?! Think about Zombies?"

"I have to be prepared!" You quip back at him, both of you leaning forward to laugh.

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