Crazy, Stupid, Zion

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Have you guys ever seen Crazy Stupid love? Well if you haven't, it's one if my favorite romantic comedies!

Anyway, I watched it the other day and I could only thing of one very handsome redhead!

I changed a bit so if you have seen it I hope you'll still enjoy!


The bar was in full swing, loud music played over the speakers, clanking of glasses, murmur of the crowd washing over your ears like the babble of a Brook. The modern bar had white and black couches lining the walls, high tables and far too expensive drinks, but it was Judy's favorite spot.

" I just can't believe you're still with him!" Judy stirs her drink with the little umbrella, ice cubes clacking together.

"I - I don't know, he's cute!" You defend taking another sip, the bitterness biting your tongue.

Judy gives you an exhausted look, "Yeah cute I guess, but also safe. You can do so much better than him! And look at you!" She gestures to all of you, " If you can ONLY get Jay, then who am I supposed to end up with?"

You laugh choking down another sip before leaning forward to take her hand, "Judy that's so not true! You're beautiful! Plus did you hear him at the party? He said when I passed the Bar exam there will be something special!"

You lean in closer looking around so no one could hear you, "Do you think he'll propose?"

Judy leans back dramatically, "God I hope not." She whispers under her breath. When she sees your pointed look she sighs, "Why?  Do you want it to happen?"

You smile and shrug not really having an answer for her.

"I don't know, your life is so PG-13!" Judy says stirring her drink again.

"My life is not PG -13!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!" You counter back.

"You have never left this town, you'll probably end up marrying that human Valium Jay. And I just- I just worry about you." Judy says resting her head on her hand on the table.

You sigh heavily. You always loved that Judy was brutally honest with you, but sometimes it hit a little too close to home. You knew you liked Jay, even loved him more likely than not, but he was safe. You liked safe.

"You have so much potential, but you're resorting to fantasizing about Conan ginger junk O'Brian."

You choke on your drink, "He's funny!"

"He looks like a carrot Hun."

"Who looks like a carrot?" A deep voice asks cutting through the music and chatter.

Judy looks over first, suddenly sitting up straight primping her hair, mouth slightly open. Curious, you look over, eyes needing to look up to see the face of the man in front of you.

Decked out in a nice suit, form fitted to his body, that you could tell was pretty muscular underneath, your eyes fall to the beautiful man's face. Hair as red as fire, with just the right amount of messy bedhead look. Golden eyes that could pierce through your soul, and a smirk that clearly suggested he knew how good he looked.

You swallowed down your heart that tried to leap out of you throat, an emotion that not even Jay could bring out of you, and yet this stranger at a bar could.


"Who looks like a carrot?" He asks again, his eyes landing in you, hovering over your face and clothes and lips.

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