⚠️NSFW BlanketForts Part 3 ⚠️

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Life update: Guys Im sorry I have been so slow. I am in a Grad program and finals are ending this month. I promise 100% I will write every prompt!

Story Update: I have some major writing block for Triangles- but I will finish!

Last but not least⚠️ ***WARNING.***⚠️
Seriously guys this is Not Safe for Work. Everyone is aged up in this prompt, but please make sure it's something you want to read. This is more than just steamy, it's the whole thing.

OwOPinkyOwO I won't lie, this is my first attempt at anything super NSFW so I really hope you like it! Figured I could make it both a part 3 and NSFW lol  Let me know what you think!


"You're really cute when you're angry." 

Eugene says it quickly, ironically, almost like he knows he's in trouble.

"Than I'm about to get really fucking adorable." You quip back, arms folded sighing through your nose.

He whines, shifting so that his head is resting in your shoulders, your body turned away from him. The heat of his body, normally so inviting, almost suffocating with how angry you were.

"I said I was sorry." He pouts, hot breath on your ear.

You let out an irritated "Hmmf." Wanting to stomp your foot, but not wanting to feel like Scarlett try to keep it to yourself. Well that and you were laying down, and not the most effective position for stomping. "Doesn't make it better."

Eugene's arms wrap around your waist, just under your still folded arms. His body curves around yours, the comforter shifting as he lifts a leg to rest over yours. He pulls you tighter against his body, the rustling of the sheets and blankets settle around you both. 

"Baby." He whispers it pleading with you to turn around.

"No Eugene. It was mean!" You sounded like you were pouting, but gosh darn it you were! 

"Let me make it up to you." His voice dropped into a velvety deep, goosebumps rising on your skin at the sound. 

His hand trailed up and down your arm, curving with your hip and finally tracing the outline of your thighs. Each stroke brought heat to your skin, prickling and raising hair where he touched. You squirm away from the softness, but always return pushed back against him so he could continue the gentle assault of your skin. 

"Y/N. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again." His voice was soft, slow and so sooo sensual.

You shiver against him, a moan caught in your throat at his gentle words and caress. A soft kiss makes you jolt right at the base of your neck. Tingles from his lips shoot down to your toes when another poorly shielded moan escapes your clamped mouth. You lean your head to the side for him to have better access.

"I'm li-listening." You whisper out as his teeth scratch at your skin, licking for relief.

"Well…" he kisses the shell of your ear, teeth nibbling on the end slightly. A moan clear as day escaping that time. "What can I do to make you forgive me?" His voice is still low and muffled against your skin.

"I can think of a few things." You manage out as his lips kiss down your jaw and stop at your pulse point, hand still roaming your body.

His soft lips draw fiery lines across your neck until he leaves another kiss right at the tip of your shoulder. The constant touch makes you jump, skin tingling and burning where he touched. 

His hand weaves it's way across your stomach, making your muscles tighten and relax as he drags his fingertips up and gently pulls you towards him. Without much defense, you turn toward him to lay on your back, Eugene's side pressed flush against you. Your arms detangle themselves as you look up to him apprehensively.

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