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Guys I passed my term, which was a welcome surprise! So I should be able to go back on schedule, if any of you are still there! I really hope you are, you guys make this so much fun!

Triangles will be completed! I am just having a major writer's block on it!

Love the feedback! Love the prompts. You guys are my own Fuji's!

Also! I apologise I messed up any culture here, please let me know so I can correct it!


You fell in love with him the moment the first words spilled from his lush lips.Unfortunately the sweet honey laced words were sentencing your death.

"Get out." 

His voice rumbled deep in his chest, his furrowed brows and golden eyes holding you in place from the front of the gate. Hand half out stretched to open the chain to let you inside the school.


"Touch it and you die." The sound of a weapon being cocked made your blood pounding in your ears, but all you could think about were his golden eyes melting your insides like he was a volcanic eruption.

You wanted to move, to make a noise, to do anything but stand there and gawk at a man you had never met before. But here you were, end of the world, life on the line, madly in love with a stranger. 

His fiery red hair made you think of bon fires by the beach, sand in places you never could clean, smoke filling your nose and smores tickling your tongue. You bet that he would taste as sweet as chocolate.

A heavy clearing of his throat makes you snap off your wandering thoughts, eyes focusing back on his. 

"I mean you no harm." You say wavering, voice just not ready to commit to any emotion. 

"I. Don't. Care." He took aim, the spotlight behind him making him seem like a guardian angel.

"If you let me stay out here I'll likely die." Your voice wasn't scared, or panicked. It was almost calm and serene, exactly how he made you feel.

This stranger had magic, you were sure of it. 

"Counting in it."  

You couldn't help but smirk. How did someone look so handsome, and be so cruel? But then again even the Devil was an angel at one point. 


The next time you saw him he was in a store, stuffing his bag with the goods you had been casing for days. Yet again struck by his beauty, you couldn't help but stagger your steps trying to keep calm. A chance to see him again seemed too lucky. 

You approach from behind, and you're struck by how good he smells. Among the dead, he had very little to have to compare too, but still. The smell alone could have made you stumble. Pine trees, clear star filled skies and Earth. He was freedom.

You lift your gun, pointed straight at his shoulder blades, "Drop the goods." 

His back stiffens, the muscles rippling up his back. His arms slowly rise to surrender as his head sinks toward the floor. He sighs heavily through his nose, and gosh he was so cute.

"You don't have to do this." He says almost desperately.

"I think it's payment enough." You saw as he detaches the bag from his shoulder and slowly drops it to the floor. 

"Payment?" He asks whipping around to see you, but you don't even bother cocking your gun. You couldn't shoot him if you wanted too.

"Oh." He says it quickly but emotionlessly, and you're frustrated that you cant tell if he's excited to see you or not. 

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