Judy's Day Off

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You lounge on the black leather couch, feet hanging off the arm rest, head dangling upside down. Hair kissing the floor, blood rushing to your head and finger tips grazing the carpet. Your favorite music blaring on the stereo and you count the fibers on the floor.

Days off are boring.

A sound if jingling keys alerts you of the door opening and your eyes flick over to the hallway beyond the kitchen. The pitter patter of heels can be heard over the music and in walks in your roommate, orange hair bouncing in her lobbed style, and shoulders dropping. In her hand she holds a big bouquet of flowers.

You pop up off the couch, turning down the music and move to stand in front of her on the kitchen island. The cold granite shooting goosebumps up your arms.

Judy sighs heavily slumping across the counter after setting the vase of flowers down. The sunflowers, baby's breath and white carnations hanging into the sink. Her hair and arms spread out with a frown in her face.

You imitate her post opposite of her batting your eyelashes at her, “What's up sugar glum?”

Judy smiles slightly heaving out another sigh.

That pun would have normally made her laugh, and without her golden laugh you feel your concern grow.

“Nothing.”She mumbles it out and pouts her lips.

You hated seeing her like this but you can't seem to look away. You and Judy had been roommates for the better half of 2 years and you knew her well. What her favorite foods are, what heartbreak looked like on her, her favorite shows and pass times. You liked to think that you paid so close attention to her that you knew every smirk, smile and frown. And this was not a good frown.

What Judy didn't know?

That you had been in love with her since the first time she waved at you all those years ago.

Her dark blue, almost purple eyes slid over to you to examine your face.

“Jay brought me flowers.” Her voice was somber.

You did your best not to feel the pang of jealousy that came with knowing someone else could dote on her.

“H-he brought you? Flowers?” you ask incredulously.

She nods and her hair flings across the counter.

A small giggle escapes your lips at how cute she looks and how ridiculous this was.

“You're upset that he bought and brought you flowers?”

She stands up suddenly, her tiny form only making it just above your shoulders.

“Yeah! Awful right?!” Her voice was dramatic and your laugh was loud.

Tears formed in your eyes from the hilarity of it all, and also the relief that she didn't want flowers from him, “I'm sorry Queen of darkness, but some people like that sort of thing.”

“Yeah but we only went in one date, you think he would catch a hint.” her arms move vibrantly as she speaks.

You step forward and grab her hand getting as close as your dared and patting her head, “ Oh Jud. I'm sure he's just smitten over you. Who wouldn't be?”

You say it as casually as possible but your words crack a bit at the end.

Judy leans against your hand, and it's all that you can do to stay grounded as your heart explodes in your chest. It had been this way from the beginning, never lessening.

“What do I do?” She asks it desperately looking up into your eyes, hers filled with trust.

This was the hardest part of being her best friend, having to be the friend part of the relationship. You couldn't discourage her, you wanted her to be happy no matter what.

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