Blanket Forts through Eugene's Eyes

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Alright lovelies, it's time! I had to switch the rating to Mature. There is NO SEX in this particular story, but it's getting fairly saucy and I don't want anyone uncomfortable if they don't want to read it!

It's saucy in this one. No more really than the last one, but make sure it's something you would like. You also do not have to read Blanket Forts first, but the prompt was a requested POV change! I hope you like it!
WARNING: This does get steamy! Please make sure it's something you would like to read first!


The soft chorus of his favorite melody played from his phone speakers as he lounged in his bed. The morning light brightening the room to a comfortable cozy and lazy filled Saturday. Already awake from the piano lesson that he had that morning, he used the remaining free time he had to rehearse.

Eugene had been up at night writing for hours, a piece that he hadn’t been able to get out of his head for a while. The swell of the music lifted, sped up and softened at all the right times. It was soft, elegant and almost whimsical of a melody and was quickly becoming his new favorite sound. Even his attempts to recreate it on the piano had been successful enough for him to want to write lyrics.

A loud thud on the window makes him jump kicking some of the sheets in response, head swiveling so fast in its direction that his neck twinged in pain. A small hand flush against the pane of the glass dragged down dramatically as if it was leaving more than just smudged fingerprints. Eugene rolled his eyes, shutting off his music and moving to the window to unhatch the lock.

Sitting on the window ledge after opening it to its full leverage, the smell of pine trees and winter filtered in and refreshing his nose. He looked down to the petite form of his girlfriend shifting on the string of ivy outside his window, and climbing up the last couple feet. Her sea foam shampoo tickling his nose, calming him as it always did. The smell alone could brighten one of his darkest nights.

She made it to the top, her face at the same level as his, still hanging out the window. She beamed a smile at him and he tried desperately to swallow away the blush that was forming. She couldn't know how much of an effect she had on him.

If she only knew that the melody he had been writing was the same song that filled his head the moment he met her. The moment they locked eyes, the beautiful push and pull of the chords struck deep in his brain and he wasn’t sure he would ever shake them.

Playing music with emotions was hard on a good day, now imagine falling in love and trying to play anything else but her sound?

Yeah. Near impossible.

She leans forward pressing her lips to his in a quick peck, never enough for him in his opinion. Not that she could know that either.

“Hiya Geney. How was practice?” Her voice singsonged at Eugene making him smile.

He sighed heavily, “ You know my parents like you right? Like, you aren’t a secret?”

She flashes him a smile, “Yeah and?” She asks as moves to straddle the window and face him.

Eugene laughed, “ANND, that means you can go through the front door!” he says it with a chuckle leaning forward to give her a kiss on the nose.

“But where is the fun in that?!” She says exasperated, her freckles wrinkling in her displeasure of suggesting using a normal form of entering a house.  

He snorts out a laugh, something he had always been self conscious of, but somehow she said was cute. He still hadn't  figured out if he believed her, but her face brightened and she tackled him to the floor, arms wrapped around his neck.

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