Lawrence's confession

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You sat on the stairs with your hands in your hair trying to keep your head up. It lay heavy as your hands shake, tears spilling off your cheeks and onto the floor. You see a small collection of your tears pooled at your feet and you can see the yellow red of the flames reflect off the drops.

You suck in a Shaky breath looking up to the man in front of you, his clothes ruffled, hair tousled and a sick satisfied look on his face.

“H-how could you do it” you want your voice to be strong and accusatory but you can barely muster a whisper.

Lawrence turns suddenly adjusting his glasses, detinator in his other hand held tightly. He takes a hesitant step forward and something in your eyes makes him stop. He clears his throat and adjusts his glasses again.

“I don't understand the question”

You stand abruptly making his last word choke in his throat. You walk up to him seeing him flinch at the hate in your eyes. Good. You want him to understand what he's done. You stand chest to chest, just a head beneath him.

“You're a smart guy, what do you think I mean by that question”

Lawrence gulps and squirms under your gaze and you can't help but feel powerful with the knowledge that you have this effect on him. You're starting to feel as twisted as him, glowing under the will of others. Lawrence looks down to his feet like a kid bring scolded.

“You set the city in fire” you say bluntly needing a reason to understand.

He looks up then directly at you, the fear replaced with resolve, “I regret nothing”

Anger bursts forward then, “You killed so many people! You ki-” your voice dies as you choke back a sob. Trying again your voice lowered now, “You killed our friends”

Lawrence's eyes flash with anger for a brief second then soften so fast you almost didn't catch the murderous gaze. Almost. His glasses show the reflection of the flames from your viewpoint of the roof of the school. A building tumbles down loudly but neither or you break eye contact. The heat of the flames makes your skin prickle.

“I regret nothing”

You start to beat his chest with closed fists but he doesn't move to stop you, “Lawrence they trusted you! I trusted you!”

His arms spring forward holding on to yours pushing you against the wall and you know you should probably be afraid, you can't find that within you. You just feel empty. His eyes search yours as his head dips closer to yours. Close enough your breath mingles with his.

“I did this for you! All of this! Every last burning body is all for you!”

You shake your head, “Lawrence how is this for me!?”

“I couldn't let them have you! Any of them! The zombies, Harry, Eugene, Zion, Ethan -even Judy! They were going to take you away from me and I couldn't live with it. So I took you from them instead” Lawrence was breathing heavy, but his eyes conveyed so much love you couldn't help but cry.

“Lawrence you're risking the lives of what's left of humanity for just one life” you plead trying to get him to understand.

“Damn right! And I'd do it again! Because it isn't just one life. It's yours.” Lawrence rests his forehead against yours closing his eyes as if his confession takes everything from him.

Your emotions swirl within you, a storm you know you cannot contain. You know it's wrong, and that you should feel repulsed by what he's done, but you can't help the swell of your heart, and you can't help that you had already fallen in love with him. Maybe if you had told him sooner, maybe if you had made him see this wouldn't have happened.

“Lawrence…” you said it like a prayer, soft enough to get him to look at you again.

You place a hand on his cheek feeling his soft skin beneath your hand, the blush on his face makes you smirk, “Lawrence you already had me”

Lawrence's smile is softer than you had ever seen it, and somehow you fall harder.

“Will you stay with me?” He asks desperate for you to agree.

Your other hand makes it to cup his cheek, “Where else would I be?”

The joy in his eyes is very apparent. He leans forward and kissed your forehead and rests his own against it again just basking being close to you. You tugged him into a hug and run your hands through his hair. He shudders and your touch when you hear him whisper in your ear.

“I love you Y/N. Please don't leave me, I couldn't survive without you”

You pull his head back to look into his eyes tugging on his hair a bit, all you see is his confession tense in the air. You feel your emotions swell again and you don't want to hold back no matter how wrong it is.

“I love you too” you say touching your nose to his, lips brushing slightly. The touch as soft as a feather, but enough to make him suck in a breath.

You smile closing your eyes, soaking in his response, “Can I kiss you?” You ask not wanting to scare him away from you.

His answer comes in a kiss, softer than a whisper rippling through you like a stone of a smooth lake. Your being feels pulled to him, your center of gravity seeming to shift to revolve around him. And somehow in the madness, you feel complete.


This one is a little shorter, I had a much harder time writing Lawrence, so I hope you like it!

I think I'm going to go through all the characters, not just the main guys but I do have a couple more AU one shots in mind for them as well.

So bare with my chaos, and let me know if there is anything you would like to see, different AU's, pronouns, NSFW or whatever. I'm open to it all!

Thanks for reading!

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