Sometimes Love Gets in the Way

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WARNING!! Legit WARNING please make sure this is something you want to read. This much darker than my normal one shots, it's graphic, and there is a very off handed mention of suicidal thoughts. Please be cautious.

Cupid-5 VIP access here you are! I hope I did angsty with justice! I hope you like it!


Zion kissed her neck, letting his teeth graze her delicate skin, nipping in soft places and relieving the pain with a lick. She moaned tilting her head back for more, legs tightening around his waist.

Kissing up to her ear, he breathed in her scent of sweet, almost cinnamon like, and musk from the sweat of the patrol. He wasn't sure how but it had driven him into a frenzy.

She pulled his lips back to hers, nipping his lower lip making an animalistic growl erupt from him, pushing her into the wall. Always wanting closer, wanting friction. She gave a throaty laugh, filled with lust as Zion practically devoured her.

"Hey love birds, you're on patrol!" An angry voice sounded behind them, a door slamming open and light pooling in.

"Busy!" Zion grumbled back, lips against her skin still.

She laughed beneath him, her nails scratching through his hair, marking her territory. "Come on." She said in a sing sing voice.

"I'm trying." Zion sighed out, effectively earning him a swat at his chest.

She snorted and squeezed his arm reassuringly as he set her back down on her feet. As she passed him she let her hand linger in the front part of his pants making Zion intake a sharp breath.

"Let's not let Eugene wait for us."

"You're making that a difficult task." Zion sighs out, a smile as he watches her walk out of the broom closet.

She turns over her shoulder, h/e hair spilling over her shoulder, eyes drinking in his form from his toes to his head. Her heated gaze almost enough to make him come undone.

"Don't worry. I'll be seeing you later."  She turned the corner and disappeared as Zion groaned and rubbed his hands against his face.

"She's going to be the death of me." He whispered to himself.

"Lawrence is going to be the death of you if you don't hurry your ass up." Eugene said as he leaned against the doorframe eating chips and watching Y/N walk away.

"Keep your eyes to yourself." Zion ground out through clenched teeth, his stomach twisting.

"Why? She's not taken." Eugene chews, chips on full display.

"Close your mouth Gremlin. You won't get any girl like that." Zion smacked his jaw closed with an audible click, "Plus did you not see what you're interrupting? We are together."

Eugene shakes his head as he walks the redhead the roof door access, "That's my point. Are you? It's the end of the world, maybe she wants more than you."

Zion swallowed hard, focusing his brain to stop the thought Eugene wanted it to track. What Eugene kept bringing up. He may love her, but he didn't own her.

"She can do what she wants." His voice is curt and crisp and he knows he's not doing a good job at hiding his pain.

To answer his speculations Eugene whistles, "Damn dude she has you hooked."

Zion punches his arm, "You would too if you had been with a girl before."

"Yeah too bad my only options are your ex and soon to be ex."

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