Ethan Vs First Date

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You had been on a slew of awful blind dates. And you truly meant awful, as in monumental times in your life you wish you could get back. One had forgot his wallet, one had shown up in pajamas, one ate all the breadsticks - and really who does that? And the most recent one had actually set your clothes on fire.

No really. On fire.

It was fairly safe to say that you were pretty done with the dating pool, at least for a little while. Just ready to take some time for your own, collect your thoughts and prepare yourself for the next string of bad dates.

But, when your best friend Judy runs up to you as excited as she did, you can't help but want to go on one last one.

A squeal that makes your ears ring as Judy jumps up and down, “Seriously!! He is perfect for you! He's taller than you, even with your height!”

You laugh, “Judy just because you're short, doesn't meant the rest of us are giants.”

Judy stops jumping to give you a incredulous look, “Okay that may be true, but you are actually tall.”

“True,” you say laughing again and sipping on your coffee. “Okay, go on. What's he like?”

Judy starts jumping again, you place a hand on her shoulder to steady her, “Without jumping.”

She stops sucking down half of her own coffee, “Okay! He's tall. Right, already established. He's a bit quiet, but very cute! No, handsome actually! And he plays sports!”

“Oh nice, which one?”

Judy sticks her tongue out in concentration, “Baseball? Basketball? Bowling ball? I don't know, something with a B!”

You bark out a laugh, “You think a bowling ball is a sport?”

Her bell like laugh bounces off the walls like happiness, “I was keeping with the B theme.”

You were laughing so hard tears fell down your face and you tried to suck in breath to speak, “Judy! Bowling does start with a B! You literally said the name!”

You both fall into a fit of giggles that it usually did when you two were together. Finish your coffees while catching up.

Yep, you loved your best friend and if she wanted to be Cupid, then by golly you could try.

The day of the date, you tried everything you could to try to be happy to meet someone new, go on an adventure, maybe find love. But it was cloudy outside, the humidity messed with your hair, and honestly it would probably end badly anyway.

You slipped on a casual Tee and ripped jeans with your favorite converse. No need to dress up when you already knew how it was going to go. When the doorbell rang you made your way down the hall trying to smile.

Behind the door was Ethan. He was Judy's boyfriend's cousin and had been to quite a few of the family outings you went too. He seemed like a really decent guy when you had met him all the other times, but fairly quiet, kinda shy. Never seemed interested in you though but that didn't stop you from trying to talk to him, or admiring his good looks and nice body.

“ Oh hey Ethan, how are you?” You ask casually.

Ethan smiles one of the first you had seen in all the times you had met him, “Hey y/n! I'm doing pretty good! How have you been?”

You cross your arms and lean on the doorframe, if you had to wait for your date you might as well enjoy a bit of your Saturday.

“Eh you know, can't complain. How is your sister? Had her baby yet?”

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