When it Rains it Pours

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Guys! I am so incredibly sorry that took so long! I was in a wedding this passed weekend, and I thought I would have service -and didn't. Then got home and got his with a pretty big personal blow.

Things are okay, and settling now so I should be back on a normal schedule.

Thank you for your patience, and kind words! Hope you enjoy!!

Ethan swung his bat side to side, tapping his shoes in succession, feeling his tendons move, flex and stretch to his movements. He gripped the handle tighter, relishing in the worn leather and tape that his calloused hands touched. The feeling was like home. He straightened his spin, planted his feet, and swung.


His bat connected with the core of the apple he had been eating, flying out into the field with decent height, juices and mutilated chunks flying everywhere.

When he watched it land, Ethan picked up his gym bag and headed back to the school. There had been a team practice today, but was cancelled due to the storm rolling in, it's clouds already gathering in a deep grey, the smell of rain in the air.

Unfortunately for Ethan, they had cancelled practice so last minute he hadn't been able to tell his ride. Ironically enough, if you use your phone all day in class, the battery dies.

The crunch of the grass soothed Ethan as he let his long strides lead him back to the school halls. He didn't mind being alone, preferred it most of the time, but he sure wished he could get home before the rain fell.

Making his way up the steps, Ethan stepped under an overhang as the first sprinkles of water misted down from the sky, and he silently cursed under his breath. No way he was getting home without being soaked now.

A creak and crack of the gym door caught his attention, the school being long deserted at this hour.

Out walked a girl, a couple years younger than him most likely, gym bag twice her size in tow and droplets of water falling down her grey 'I'm here to pet all the dogs’ shirt. She wore an oversized olive green jacket, dark black leggings and seemingly oversized black high top sneakers.

She tousled a towel in h/c hair as she walked out, the tips of which were dyed slightly green, and strangely looked really good on her. The smell of sweet vanilla wafted his nose as she tossed her wet hair, most likely from her shampoo, and he had never smelled anything sweeter.


Ethan shook his head, not sure where the thought came from as she approached.

“Looks like it's going to rain cats and dogs!” Her silver voice chirped happily.

“Lucky for you.” Ethan said in disbelief at his own self for speaking so casually to a stranger.

She quirked her eyebrow and Ethan nodded towards her shirt. She looked down and then let out an equally silver laugh that if he had to compare it to anything would be like rays of sun.

She smiled at him, dimples in her cheeks making her already adorable appearance somehow even cuter, “You're pretty funny!”

A silence fell over them as they watched the rain start to fall, the pitter and patter of the droplets soothing. Or was that her?

“What are you doing here so late?” Ethan asked kicking himself internally, he hated small talk and here he was.

She turned her smile towards him again, and he smirked in response, “I'm on the swim team! I stayed after trying to shave off some time from my butterfly. We have meet this weekend and I'm doing a 500 medley relay.”

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