The Beauty Of You

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Just a short sweet fluff with our girl Hailey!!

AllyLoveDeer I loved this prompt! I know that it's so short, but I can totally imagine it, and I wanted it to just be a cute little pass time for them!! Ahh then precious princess that is Hailey!


Evening was crisp, the chill settling in your bones leaving you in a forever state of cold it felt like. The setting sun fell over the mountains surrounding the school, drifting the concrete building into shadow, but the light of candles lit your way to where you knew you would find your girlfriend.

Every night for the last several weeks, at least since you arrived, Hailey had been coming here. You weren't sure if it was out of habit for her, or just knowing she could get lost, but you were always able to find her nose in a book.

The smell of the worn pages, mildew from the broken ceiling and overall must of the air wafted to your nose bringing in an air of familiarity and calm. Although the smell had bothered you at first, every memory with Hailey was in this place, and it had become the new home for you.

You round the corner, the lines books casting slivers of shadows across the wall, dancing with the candles flames. At the very end of the row sat Hailey, her beautiful brown hair cascading down her back still shining in the light, body curled around itself, nose so close to the book that you were worried her eyes were going.

You sigh upon seeing her, always feeling like you can finally have a breath of fresh hair with her around.  You step forward setting down the mug of warm tea in front of her and wrapping your arms around her slim shoulders.

You nuzzle her neck from behind, burying your nose in her hair and inhaleing. She always smelled of the worn leather from the library and Cedar. She was the woods, adventure and flame. You could feel her shiver under your lips touch, and heat from her blush flush against your skin.

“H-Hey!” She squeaked out and you giggled in her ear knowing the whisper would give her goosebumps.

“Hello love!” You coo at her kissing her cheek before moving to sit in the chair in front of her. “I brought you some tea.”

"Tea? How did you heat it up?” Hailey asked in wonder shooting forward to take a sip.

You smile fondly at her as she slowly guides the cup to her soft and supple lips. Ones you very much wanted to kiss. You lean forward so that you are in her space.

“A fire. I convinced Lawrence that a fire inside is actually logical.”

“Do I even want to know what you did to get him to see it that way?”

You smile leaning closer to her kissing the corner of her mouth, and even though you were slow she still squeaks in response. You found it adorable.

“I can be very persuasive.” You say leaning back so she can breath since her face was turning purple.

Hailey watches you like a hawk, waiting for your next move, but when all you do is stare at her with a goofy smile on your face she relaxes. Picking up the tea, she takes a sip and smiles. And that’s why you did it, just to see that one smile.

She looks up at you ask you pick up a book that you had been reading, knowing she always felt a little uncomfortable when you stared at her.

“Thank you Y/N!”

You hum a response as you find the page you were on last. Peeking over your book you see her return to hers and you sigh.

You hated to admit it, but today you wanted more attention. The day had been tough. Scarlett was relentless, Lawrence was overbearing and Zion and Eugene wouldn't shut up. All in one patrol you felt overwhelmed and stressed and you were ready to be back to your little library with Hailey.

You sigh heavily. When she doesn't do anything you toss your book aside and slide up to her arm chair. Feeling very much like a cat you slide up underneath her arms and book and make a pouting face at her.

She chuckles at you scratching under your chin like a kitty.

“Sweet Kitty. Long day?” Hailey asks with a soft smile.

You close your eyes at the touch, turning your face to kiss the palm of her hand, “Always the longest without you.”

Hailey's face purples with embarrassment but you see her pleased smile. You slide up higher and catch the library chair lever and pull. It allows the chair to lay back slightly and you to comfortably lay your head on her chest.

You give a happy sigh wrapping your long limbs around her tiny frame, her arms instinctively wrapping around you, and warmth shooting to your bones like molten lava. This is what you had needed. Another sigh comes, and your shoulders relax even further.

The sound of her beating heart fighting against her ribcage makes you giggle. She was always so nervous around you, it was endearing.

“Hailey? Breathe” you whisper calmly.

You feel the girl underneath you take a deep breath finally, and although you're not watching her face you know the color is returning to normal.

“I-im sorry! Yo-you make me so nervous!”

You lean up on one elbow to look into her Hazel brown eyes. Sweeping some hair behind her ear you watch as her eyes dart away and then rest on your face.

You give her a reassuring smile, “Trust me.when I say that you do the same for me. Listen.” You guide her to lean forward to press her ear to your chest. a blush spread her cheeks at the sound of your racing heart. Once she pulls away she looks at you in wonder.

“You are nervous too?!”

You scoff at her, “Of course I am! You may be the shy one, but you're beautiful! And reserved but we'll spoken. And I know that sometimes everyone here seems to forget that, I have listened to you from the start. You are nothing but kind, and shy yes but also, loving and brave!”

Hailey's hands shot out and gripped your Dave and smashed her lips to yours. Your teeth click slightly, but you can't help your heart picking up ten fold. At her gesture. Your lips explore each others, breath mingles in pants.

When she finally pulls away she whispers a soft 'thank you.’

Your heart cracking from the raw emotion trying to claw out of your chest you hug her tight, head against her chest again, breathing her in.

“No. Thank you.” You say back to her, feeling at home.

Hailey kisses your head, wrapping on arm around you to hold you tight, but picking up her book with the other. She starts to read the book allowed to you, and you drift off to dreams of happier days, and cuddles with your library girl.


I struggled with Hailey a little, but I still love her sweet cinnamon roll of a personality. I hope you guys like it!

Working through some of the longer prompts now, and should have them soon!

Thank you all for the support!

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