Harry' Story

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The soft Amber setting sun filters through your bedroom window, it's light illuminating the band posters, records and player you had brought out to fill time. You lay in your bed, the summer heat only slightly uncomfortable as the boy you love rests in your arms.

Harry's arms are wrapped about your waist, head on your chest as you play with his silver hair. The sunlight only seems to make him look brighter, and as you tug at his soft hair you can't imagine a more beautiful sight. His soft face, eyes closed and peaceful as he rises and falls with you chest. You smile never wanting to leave.

Afternoons had been like this recently. It helped that you live next door to each other, but the boy next door was very much becoming a constant in your life, and ending every summer night with him wrapped in your arms was like heaven on Earth.

Harry sighs deeply hugging you closer and you do your best not to wake him but continue to work your fingers through his air to calm him back into sleep.

“That feels so good” Harry says in a sleepy voice.

You giggle patting head head before continuing, “Good, then you'll keep coming back”

Harry mumbles tightening his grip again, “I would live here if I could”

You smile and continue to rake your hands through his hair. You love these peaceful moments with him, but you knew that something was wrong. Ever since Harry's dad came back, he had come into your room to hold you while he slept. Every afternoon, it was like a lifeline.

“Harry?” You ask in what you hope is a calm voice because you feel everything but.

“Mhm?” He mumbles again the vibrations tickling you.

After a brief pause to collect your thoughts you continue, “What is really happening at your house?”

Harry takes a sharp intake before moving his head to look you, “I don't know what you're talking about”

You give him a pointed look, “Harry I'm not stupid”

“I never sai-”

“Harry, I'm not trying to pry. I know that in time, if you want to tell me you will, but- I know something isn't right and it's making me sick to see you like this”

Harry searches your eyes for something you're not sure, but knows that he finds it because he starts to cry. He closes his eyes as tears slide silently down his face and your heart cracks at the sight.

“I -I don't” Harry's voice cracks.

You grab his face and wipe his tears with the pad of your thumb, “Shhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just love you”

The air gets stiff and the room silent. You're not sure why at first but your eyes open wide as you realize your words are the reason.

You just told Harry you loved him for the first time.


Your brain goes on lock down, you feel frozen in place. What an awful time to say something like that when the poor boy is obviously going through something. What if he only needed you for comfort and here you were getting your hopes up.

You try to keep a straight face, but you know you're not doing well because your heart rate just skyrocketed and you can feel guilt rise from your stomach. Or is that bile?

God, now you're going to throw up on him. Might as well, nothing can make this moment worse. You just confessed your love to one of the most popular boys in school, who cares if he likes hanging out with you. Who cares that he spent time with you. He was one of the most beautiful humans you have seen and you were ruining it.

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