⚠️⚠️⚠️NSFW Summer Lake House ⚠️⚠️⚠️

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Guys this is so much sin it's not even funny lol

Didn't mean to do two Zion prompts in a row, but I had this idea and wanted to get it out there. I hope you like it!

******WARNING! NSFW and definitely has Sin. Please make sure it is something you would like to read! ****

Why did he do this to you?

The thought bounced around your mind, practically hitting you like a bag of bricks as sweat dripped down his body. His muscles pulled, strained and tugged as he lifted the axe and swung it down. Hard. A cracking sound echoing through the trees that surrounded the lake house.

Every summer your families came to the lake, each renting a house alongside the lake. The parents always drank, kids always swam and played. It was a fond memory for you, however this year was different. The first year after college you all had decided to go up and rent one house for the summer, and it was expected to be a time for parties, fun and new. Kids, now adults, alone for the first time.

The sunlight filtered through the trees, sunny patches almost blinding against the shad, birds chirping beautifully and wind gently blew making the leaves shift. It should all be relaxing, calming as you read your book on the patch of sun in the grass. But you couldn't stop your quickening pulse, and the heat in your belly that no cold anything could cure.

Another thud as the axe collided with the wooden stump, the two pieces of cut wood fumbling to the floor as the redhead wiped the sweat from his brow.

He made this everything but relaxing. His red hair shined in the sun, slicked down a bit from running his hands through his hair. The pointed V that lead down into his jeans made you swallow hard, because nothing could be more mesmerizing than tanned skin spotted with freckles and muscles that you wanted to lick-

You shake your head violently sitting up quickly and trying to return to the book you were reading. Get a hold of yourself. It was something you had tried to get yourself to listen all summer, and you were only half way. There was no way that you were going to make it, not when Zion insisted on cutting every block of wood that you burned at night.

You tried to stare at your book for a minute until you couldn't even remember what book it was that you were even reading. You check the title quickly and let out a frustrated sigh as you stand. Now you were going to have to re-read the entire first part again.

"Hey Z! Want to head into town?" Eugene has his head sticking out of the glass door window keys swinging in his hand.

Zion turns around to face the house, axe still in hand, his stomach rising and falling with his quick breath, "Say what?"

You swallowed hard again practically boring your eyes into the off white page in front of you. Maybe if you burned holes into the page you would actually retain the information.

"Harry wants to go get more food for the dinner he is cooking tonight, so Lawrence, Ethan and I are taking him into town. Want to go?"

Zion wipes his brow again, his head falling to your direction. You can feel his eyes on you, it's the closest thing you can think of that makes you feel like you are on fire. His eyes wash over your quickly and you practically burn up just from the glance.

"Nah I'm good. Need to cut more firewood anyway."

Eugene steps out onto the porch to watch him, " You know they sell wood at the store in town? I could just grab some."

"Where is the fun in that?" Zion says with a signature smirk and you feel your stomach tighten at the sight. Ducking behind the book you squeeze your thighs shut hoping to stop any fire from spreading lower.

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