Triangles part 3

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Without giving you guys all the excuses (because quite frankly you guys don't deserve anything better than the BEST - because you're awesome), I finally moved. Which means no more hiatuses!

At least for now!

I will be updating every Sunday!

Now, I haven't written in a long while, so I will be continuing the prompts, but at the pace my creative meter allows. In some cases, like this one, I might need to finish old drafts, or hash out a story I think of, just to dust the old cob webs off my keyboard and creative brain and put something on page- But I am back!

Also this is clearly a series within a series of series - because I'm not done with this one yet.

I am so incredibly grateful for you all. Your support, even when I am away, goes without measure and I can't tell you how much it means. You are all wonderful, and hopefully you'll still be there as we continue these drafts!!

Okay I'm done now- Enjoy!

(Also yes, I have several NSFWs coming soon!)


"This is fucking impossible!" Jay whined from the middle of the room, both arms perched on the desk, knuckles white. 

"I know it's nerve wracking but we got this!" You exclaim with as much enthusiasm as you can muster.You pace at the taped line that Lawrence placed down so you wouldn't help them, made you feel like a caged animal. 

Scarlett sticks out her tongue as she focuses on the riddle, the both of them huddled around a desk that was in the center of C-1. A paper in her hands, now wrinkled several times over from passing it back and forth. Several pairs of eyes stared as you all focused on the riddle, making to feel like the world was on your shoulders.

"Shut up both of you!" Scarlett waved us off, her tongue caught between her teeth as her mental gears turned.

You stare at the clock, wishing for it to go back in time, the minutes slowly ticking down. You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, biting deeply to keep your concerns to yourself.

"When you need me, throw me away...but when you're done with me, you bring me back…" Scarlett trails off as she falls deeper in thought.

"Doesn't it defeat the purpose of keeping Y/N back if they are allowed to read it out loud?" Zion asks as he sits up from laying on a group of desks.

You turn to glare at the red head for potentially warning Lawrence and Sue the very thing you had thought since the tape had touched the ground, but Eugene has already beat you to it by smacking him upside the head.

"Ow! Shit! Why?!" Zion rubs the back of his head.

"Whose side are you on dip shit?" Eugene asks looking genuinely offended. 

Zion mumbles something along the lines of no one's but you sigh out your chuckle letting your eyes wander back to the clock. Everyone had chosen to stay to watch the festivities. Ethan stood guard by the window, what seemed to be him favorite spot, but his eyes often made their way back to check in on the progress. Harry and a soft brown haired girl, whose name you hadn't even come close to hearing as she spoke, sat in the corner playing a silent games of cards. Leaving Eugene in a desk, and Zion laying on top of it as close to the center as possible. 

You turned back to the front of the room to see Lawrence looking rather bored as he picked at his fingernails, but Sue sat still. She was board straight on a chair from what looked like years of practice at her posture, the dark hair falling to her shoulders, but somehow always leaving a shadow across her face. The features of which sat still, plain, but yet a spark of recognition. That same spark of intelligence that seemed to enjoy this times torture.
"Remind me again how this is important?" Eugene asks, his brow furrowed in worry, arms crossed across his chest.

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