Eugene's Comfort

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***WARNING: this one is a tad darker, with mention to panic attacks. I don't go super in depth, but please make sure it's something you want to read first****

You had been in the 1-C classroom for what felt like forever. Sitting on the desk staring out the window. Passed the broken glass and the tattered blinds you could see the concrete of the city below, stretched as far as your eyes could see. The world seemed so vast before, and yet here you were with the only people you had seen since the start of the end

You felt rather than saw the changing of the hours, the morning bright sun transitioning into the ambered rays of afternoon, the movement of the people around you patrolling, talking and living. You weren't sure why you couldn't get up, it was like watching a raindrop fall down the window. Transfixed on the single object hoping that by the time it reached the bottom you could look away, but then another would fall.

So many emotions had been churning inside of you, and then like a break of a light bulb, had shut off and you felt numb. It wasn't the first time this had happened but you saw no way out of it, so you continued to stare out the window, hoping that the moons light would finally release you from this spell.

“She's been like this all day” Eugene said sitting on a desk behind you staring at your silhouette in the inky dark.

Harry stood next to him with his arms crossed and a frown on his face, “Do you know why she is this upset?”

Zion leaned forward resting his arm on Eugene shoulder, “During patrol the other day a man spooked her pretty good. He threatened her, but Lawrence took care of it”

Harry made a sound of understanding, but his frown deepened. Eugene bit his lip in worry shifting uncomfortably. Zion stretched and made a move to leave but realized the other guys weren't moving.

“Just leave her be, she'll snap out of it”

Eugene turned to him, “But what if she doesn't? Are you comfortable with being responsible if she never snaps out of this” he gestured to all of you.

Zion looks over to you, worry flashing across his features before stubbornness sets in, “Psh! She's got this. She's a strong one” he gives one last look at you before disappearing to his classroom.

Eugene and Harry looked at you for a long time, their stares should have made you want to turn, but you were sure you had it in you. Everything just felt heavy. Even the moon couldn't seem to fix it.

Harry nudged Eugene, “Go talk to her”

Eugene blanched, “Why me!?”

Harry gave a soft smile and knowing look, “You know why”

“Just because I'm a pessimist, doesn't mean I'm the right one for this” Eugene said looking very frightened.

Harry chuckled, “You know that's not the reason, quit stalling. Go talk to her”

Eugene looked over to you and gulped, “She’s crying what do I do?”

“Go comfort her” Harry said starting to move out of the classroom.

“How do I do that?” Eugene says standing up.

“Start with hugs”

“What?!” Eugene whips around to Harry’s smile as he makes his way out the door.

Eugene grumbles about him being helpful before turning back to you suddenly feeling like concrete had been poured over his feet. He swallows, and then does again not sure why his mouth was suddenly dry, and not sure how to move forward.

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