Eugene's Videos pt 3

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Holy crap guys this one was wayyy long. But hey we made it! Get ready for some angst, because apparently I was in the mood for a little heartbreak!


You toss and turn, and realizing you won't sleep you stand and pace. You had already bit all your nails, already pulled out hair. You were going stir crazy. You hadn't heard from Eugene or anyone and it had been a full day and we'll into the new night.

Your stomach growled and throat burned with Thirst but you calmed your mind, worrying about this Judy girl. Eugene was pretty nervous, and she was gone for so long.

You make another round of pacing when the door opens slowly. Eugene stands still, hand still at the doorknob. You couldn't help it, you run and jump into his arms hugging him tightly.

He chuckles slightly placing one hand on your back, but doesn't move further into the room. You step back, eyeing his nervous form.

“Hey Y/N.” He says in greeting.

“How's Judy?” It rushes from your mouth before you can properly greet him.

He smiles at you softly, what you said seeming to convince him as he shuts the door and walks in. He sits on the bed and grabs your hand to pull you down with him. Shoulder to shoulder he grabs you hand, intertwining your fingers.

“She's okay. A bit shaken up, and hungry, but she will make it.”

You sigh in relief and squeeze his hand. He stares at you for a long moment before releasing your hand to look through his pockets.

“Speaking of!”

He produces another bag of chips, a bun and water. You try to be polite but you can't as you rip off the water bottle lid and chug it down. Ripping open the bun you eat it in three bites. Shaking the bottle you shake what's left into your mouth to help you swallow. You pick up the chips, open it and offer Eugene one. When he doesn't take one you look up.

He looks at your curious look, “Why are you eating so fast?”

You look from the bag, to him and back at the bag not sure what he's meaning, “Because I'm hungry?”

Eugene shakes his head, “Obviously, but you eat like that every time I come in here. Has anyone else been bringing you food?”

You let your tongue sweep your teeth to remove food and try to think of the best answer. Not able to think of one that wouldn't get someone in trouble you shake you head.

“We're they supposed too?”

“Supposed too!? Jesus Y/N? Are you serious! You have only been eating and drinking what I brought you?”

Your face pales at his yell but you nod.

He curses loudly before leaving the room. You stand to stare at the door trying to figure out what you said. Only when you start to think you dreamt it all Eugene walks in, arms filled with water, granola bars, chips and an apple.

Your eyes find the apple first, almost refusing to look away, it was tempting to tackle him for it. When you can finally pull your eyes away and back to his face he looks at you amused.

“Go ahead! Here is all the pay back food. It's the least we could do for you to give us all of yours.”

You snag the apple and moan in delight at the taste as the sweet juices fall down your chin slightly. Eugene sets the food down on the bed moving to stand before you. Leaning down, right into your space he takes a bite of the apple and it makes you swallow hard.

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