🖤 Always and Forever 🖤

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All aboard the Fluff Express!! This is your Captain speaking, schedule an appointment with your dentist... Cause we about to get cavities

ShootItsShae Thank you for your patience, and dang girl I loved this and so did my creative flow. I hope you like it!


You stand, arms crossed, shoulder leaning against the door frame leading to your room. Your h/c tickling,  the droplets of water cascading down your back from the shower you just took.

You watch as the tall raven haired boy about your age, dances his way through your kitchen, grabbing pots, pans, a couple eggs and some cooking oil, dancing to the music in his ear buds. It was all rather cute and adorable.

Well, at least it would be, if you knew who the man was.

The music is loud enough that you can hear a muffled beat, to which he is following horribly. His muscles tighten and relax to the off beats, his black tank top striped with blue lines brings out his practically crystal almond shaped eyes. His baseball pants dusted red from a game doing enough wonders to his frame, that you are having a tough time looking away from his hips as they swing to the beat of a song nowhere near the one he’s listening too.

You giggle and step into the room, coming to the stop at your breakfast bar chairs. Standing behind the chair you let your arms drape off the back of the cool iron waiting for him to turn around. The smile plastered on your face releases giggles you are trying hard to contain. You knew somewhere in the back of your head you should be frightened of the guy breaking into your house that was twice your size.

But then again, he wasn’t a very good thief.

You see the moment he notices you. You try not to laugh but his entire body goes rigid as he spins to face you. Trying to rip the head phones out of his ear he drops the carton of eggs to the floor with a satisfying splat. Pots and pans tumbling after it as he flinches from the sound. His face is scrunched up in a cute embarrassed way as heat blooms over his chest, up his neck and to his ears.

You watch as the last pan spins to a stop and then look up at him, “ Whatcha doin’ there Napoleon?”

His face contorts into confusion and you let out a giggle, “Uh… I - uh - wait what?” His voice is deep and scratchy from disuse and it make you laugh harder.

“Because of the dancing, you know because of the movie…?.” When he doesn’t seem to get the joke you wave it off, “Nevermind. What are you doing?”

His hands were still half outstretched to catch everything, his eyes darting around the room, “Uh - Zion said that I could use his kitchen.”

You nod your head placing a fist under your chin, “Oh okay. Yeah that makes perfect sense.”

The boy physically relaxes and it makes your smile grow with what you're about to say, “ Just one thing. Who is Zion?”

The raven haired boy looks up to you, the blush deepening in shade, his mouth gaping a bit like a fish out of water. So cute.

“What- I - er aren’t you his girlfriend Scarlett?” His voice cracking.

You bark out a laugh and he flinches again. You wave him off as you work to quiet your laugh, “Sorry! It’s just that I am both insulted and thrilled with that statement. No one in a million years would confuse me with her, and you better make sure that she doesn’t hear that you did."

“I didn’t mean to insult you- I - actually I don’t know how that would be an insult?”

You move around the island that is separating you, to stand in front of him. He takes an involuntary step backwards into your counter and flinches again at the contact. You giggle again and watch as his blush grows.

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