Zion's Prank (Zion's protection 2.0)

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NOTE: You don't need to read Zion's protection to get this story, but this is an extension of that!

You guys have been giving me prompts and I am going to go down that list, so let me know what you want to see!

WARNING: Still have not changed the rating yet, but does get hot, heavy and steamy! Nothing super graphic or inappropriate but make sure it's what you want to read first!

You ran around the hall so fast your sneakers squeak and slide across the slick floors. You wonder how they were still buffed after all this time, but first you have to hide. You push yourself off the wall to not fall over and continue to let your legs pump you forward.

Your calves burn, your feet starting to hurt from running. You find a closet and open the door, darkness greeting you as you catch mops that topple over. With a sigh of relief you catch them all as to not alert your hunter. You softly close the door, the click the only sound that echoes in the small room.

You face the door ready for your hunter to follow you. Backing up slowly, you place the mops on the side of the wall as quietly as you can, the smell of cleaning supplies engulfing your nose. The light from outside the door illuminating enough of the closet to make out bottles held on makeshift metal shelves, mops, brooms and supplies meant for the janitor to clean the school.

You back up until your body hits the wall, deep breaths from running coming up in pants as you try to slow your heart rate. Heat from behind makes your body still. Were walls normally warm? You let an arm reach behind you patting what felt like jeans, more heat and then the wall that's not a wall moves.

“Do you know what else can make you pant?” A throaty whisper rings through your ear.

You give a yelp before swinging your elbow down without thinking, you hear the assailant grunt, air shooting out of their mouth from impact. You reach forward to grab a mop spinning to meet the intruder head on.

Zion bent over with one hand to his stomach the other held up in surrender was awaiting you, “Wait.” He pleads as he tries to regain breath. “I meant who. Do you know WHO can make you pant?”

The sight before you makes you give a shaky laugh, nerves still on edge as your heart rate slows down.

“Zion you scared the shit out of me!”

Zion finally stands, still rubbing his stomach, “Well, I am naturally terrifying.”

You cross your arms, mop forgotten on the wall, “If by terrifying you mean puppy like in every way, then I agree with you,” you chuckle when his face becomes mock offended.

“I'll have you know I am very intimidating,” he takes a step closer to you so he can tower over you.

Looking up at him you raise an eyebrow, “Who are you trying to convince, me or you?”

Zion smirks moving forward again until his hard stomach bumps your arms. You're sure it's to be intimidating but your face blushes at how cute he is. Does he know he's being adorable or are your hormones just crazy? Is he blushing too or are you imagining things?

“It's me by the way. I can make you pant,” he says as you swat his arm.

He leans closer to you, breath mingling as you tilt your head to match his pace, your heart trying to dig its way out of your chest when a bang reverberates off the door. He steps in front of you, arms stretched out as you grab the mop again, ready for anything.

“Stay here while I check it out.” Zion takes a baited step towards the door, the air thick with tension and a moment of silence.

“That's the dumbest idea,” you whisper furiously at him.

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