Zion's Protection

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You kicked at the pebbles on the concrete watching as each stone rolled and thudded across the ground haphazardly. Each kick in a slightly different direction, each pebble going a different distance.

You sigh heavily as your pebbles get lost in the grass that is too far grown now. The weeds of which had already grown in and sprouted and cracked the sidewalks. Everything was grown in, everything was falling apart.

You were sorry to say that you were bored of it. Bored of being locked up in a classroom always fearing for your life, and bored of seeing the same gated fences and peeling walls with nothing more to eat then a sweet bun here and there. Everything was over and there was nothing that you could control in that.  

“What's up Sourpuss?” Zion asks kicking a stone at your ankles.

But banter? Banter you lived for.

You give him a deadpan look and roll your eyes,  “Are you 4?”.

Zion flashes a smirk feeling confident that he pulled you from your mood, “I am very clearly 4 and one half!” He says feigning astonishment.

You both laugh as the wind picks up making leaves scrape across the asphalt. The sound alone puts you on edge but you see nothing around. You both pull your jackets tighter and walk closer together for comfort.

“Scared of a couple leaves?” Zion teases with a bump of his shoulder.

“No, I was just making sure no broken pipes will soak you,” you say referencing your last patrol together. You stop in front of him to adjust his jacket, “Don't want weetle Zee Zee to catch a cold.”

Zion barks a laugh, “Zee Zee? Really?” He shakes his head before he continues, “Actually now that I think of it, I did push you out of the way just in time to not get wet,” he lets his voice trail out.

You hold a finger up, “Technically, I walked out of the way.”

He keeps talking as if he doesn't hear you placing a finger on his chin, “And I don't do what I do for payment, but I think this knight in shining armor-”

“If by shining you mean greasy.” You interject with a snicker.

“deserves a reward.” Zion finishes.

You place a hand on your hips unable to keep your smile from your face, “Oh yeah? And what does this greasy knight want?”

Zion circles you as he pretends to ponder, you cross your arms and shake your head knowing that trying to stop Zion was like trying to stop a train with only your bare hands. Or trying to stop a hurricane with a kite. Zion was a force to be reckoned with. You liked that about him, nothing stopped him and he didn’t care what obstacle was in his way.

When he circles back in front of you he gives you a once over that you raise an eyebrow for, his eyes lingering longer than you would have expected. Satisfied with his view he locks eyes with you, making the cool night turn warm.

“How about you take my patrol for the next week?”

You're baffled by his response, not expecting it to be anything but playful banter, “You want me to take your patrol?” You ask incredulously.

Zion circles you again making you turn to find him as he looks off passed the schools field. He turns towards you drinking you in again.

“Is the fair princess not satisfied this this offering? Maybe you would prefer to give this Prince a kiss?” Zion asks with a mischievous smile, the one that you both loved and hated.

You chuckle expecting this, “I thought you were a knight not a prince?”

Zion waves his hand as he moves to stand in front of you, “Same same”.

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